Topic: Report with data from multiple tables and calculations
I need your advice.
I have these tables:
tblArticles - all the products (raw material, finished goods) (ArticleNo, ArticleName, etc)
tblBOM - contains quantities and UM (unit of measures from tblUM and the articles from tblArticles)
tblUM - to choose the right unit of measure
tblOrders - one order contain one single articles and it's related BOM (bill of material) from tblBOM.
On the report, on the upper part I need to have the Order and the Article (finished good) and bellow to have the related BOM with quantities and ArticleNo and ArticleNames.
Because all the information is comming from tblArticles, the upper part of the repost is correct but on the lower part only the ID's is correct. What can I do to have the right information also on the lower side of the report before printing (Article No and ArticleName)?
Appreciate any advice.
Thank you.
Best regards,