Topic: Report with data from multiple tables and calculations


I need your advice.
I have these tables:
tblArticles - all the products (raw material, finished goods) (ArticleNo, ArticleName, etc)
tblBOM - contains quantities and UM (unit of measures from tblUM and the articles from tblArticles)
tblUM - to choose the right unit of measure
tblOrders - one order contain one single articles and it's  related BOM (bill of material) from tblBOM.

On the report, on the upper part I need to have the Order and the Article (finished good) and bellow to have the related BOM with quantities and ArticleNo and ArticleNames.
Because all the information is comming from tblArticles, the upper part of the repost is correct but on the lower part only the ID's is correct. What can I do to have the right information also on the lower side of the report before printing (Article No and ArticleName)?

Appreciate any advice.

Thank you.
Best regards,

Best regards,

2 (edited by derek 2021-02-12 15:44:39)

Re: Report with data from multiple tables and calculations

Hi Alin,
It's difficult to figure out what might be going wrong just from your description - can you attach your project?

Re: Report with data from multiple tables and calculations

Hello Derek,

My Project has a lot of tables already and connections between them, more than 300 Mb of data are already stored. T tried to delete data to make the Database smaller but it's impossible because of the connection between the tables.
If I make print screens would be enough?
I could also share my PC via TeamView if needed.

Thank you for you answer.

Best regards,

Best regards,

Re: Report with data from multiple tables and calculations

Hi Alin,
Perhaps an easier option would be to zip your project and upload the zipped file to DropBox (or something similar).
Then anyone who wants to have a look and try to help can just download it.

Re: Report with data from multiple tables and calculations

Hello Derek,

I've managed to solve that issue, but now I bump into another thing.
I want to print labels.
I've created the layout and now the number of labels which need s to be printed depends on the order quantity.
For example: Order 4000 pieces, 500 pieces per box means 8 labels needs to be printed. I need also to put an increment on each label like 1/8, 2/8 ...8/8. (this I've done)

How can I achieve this the easiest way?

For the moment, I let the report in designer mode and enter the required labels in Page Counter and then print smile. I would like to block access to anyone to modify the layout of the labels.

Any help is appreciated.

Thank you.

Best regards,