Re: Version 6.5

Please check on this one please. I hope you can include it in your update.

I love the new update, but I need the latest build of sqlite for my projects.


Re: Version 6.5

Hi there,

the new feature is very nice. Thank you. I like the Carbon Style very much, but i have a little problem:

I have a panel which always should have a white background color - how can i exclude a control from the style recoloring?

thank you for your help


Re: Version 6.5

Hello Grete,
There is currently no way of excluding certain controls from a particular style within MVD itself.
The easiest way is probably to:
1.  navigate to the 'styles' folder in MVD6.5
2.  copy the carbon style (carbon.vsf) and rename your copy (something like gretecarbon.vsf).
3.  change the background colour for the panel to whatever you want it to be and then save your changes.
4.  your new style should be available under the 'styles' menu option 
(See the attachment).
For Step 3 above, you need to use the Bitmap Style Designer.  It is a tool that can be downloaded as part of Delphi Community Edition (free). 
A prerequisite of this is, I believe, Windows10 (which I don't use unfortunately, otherwise I could do it for you). 
If you can't get access to the Bitmap Style Designer, maybe someone on the Forum could help out and change it for you.

Post's attachments

Attachment icon 283.94 kb, 484 downloads since 2021-03-03 

29 (edited by domebil 2021-03-03 17:26:26)

Re: Version 6.5

see this

Post's attachments

Attachment icon Carbon.vsf 57.02 kb, 554 downloads since 2021-03-03 


Re: Version 6.5

wow perfect - thank you very much :-)

31 (edited by brian.zaballa 2021-03-15 22:45:07)

Re: Version 6.5

Grete wrote:

wow perfect - thank you very much :-)

Other way is to have image as background.

Post's attachments

Attachment icon 393.19 kb, 550 downloads since 2021-03-15 
