Topic: help Null Field

is there any way that if i save a field blank
in report preview in blank field show writer "null"????

field data type is integer and it's show 0 if  Field is empty


and i want like this

Re: help Null Field

What database are you using and how are the fields configured?

3 (edited by bbrother 2021-03-05 02:32:08)

Re: help Null Field

iwkom wrote:

What database are you using and how are the fields configured?

thanks for you attention and project is attached.
this is for "data" table and "data" form

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Re: help Null Field

Hello bbrother,
I used an OnBeforePrint event on the MasterData1 of the report that checks the values of your fields. Then replaced the text to null if they were 0 as in your example.
See the screenshot.

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