1 (edited by imathok 2021-03-09 06:58:21)

Topic: It seems that UTF-8 doesn't full work in Script editor ?

Chinese word broken as attatchment.

Post's attachments

Attachment icon mvd-script-editor-not-utf8-support.png 19.63 kb, 115 downloads since 2021-03-09 

Re: It seems that UTF-8 doesn't full work in Script editor ?

you forgot the


check again
('select * ..............' )

3 (edited by imathok 2021-03-09 07:53:51)

Re: It seems that UTF-8 doesn't full work in Script editor ?

the3dmen wrote:

you forgot the


check again
('select * ..............' )

Thank you.

You are misunderstood, it can be displayed in full in Notepad++.

Although it cannot be displayed completely IN MVD Script Editor, it can be executed normally in MVD.

Post's attachments

Attachment icon utf8-support.png 32.37 kb, 121 downloads since 2021-03-09