1 (edited by kees.krause 2021-03-14 10:02:38)

Topic: Styles

Is it normal when using "styles" that not everything is "translated" to the installed style? See screenshot. In this case a popup screen is not in the installed style?

Post's attachments

Attachment icon style_not_complete.PNG 20.51 kb, 139 downloads since 2021-03-14 

Re: Styles

Is there anybody who can help me, please?

Re: Styles

if you send me the style let's try to change it


Re: Styles

Hello domebil, thanks for your quick reaction. The problem affects all styles provided in MVD 6.5. In the screenshot I used the SapphireKamri-style witch I included in this reply.

Post's attachments

Attachment icon style.vsf 75.59 kb, 266 downloads since 2021-03-19 

5 (edited by domebil 2021-03-19 08:22:07)

Re: Styles

it seems to me to work

Post's attachments

Attachment icon buono.png 11.82 kb, 138 downloads since 2021-03-19 


Re: Styles

Strange. I made a quick testprogramm in MVD 6.5 because the original project was composed in MVD 4.5 and later "importerd" to MVD 6.5. But as you can see the result is the same. Style is not complete.

Can someone from DriveSoft or anybode else explain what's the problem?

Post's attachments

Attachment icon teststyle.PNG 37.47 kb, 138 downloads since 2021-03-19 

Re: Styles

It's strange that no one from DriveSoft can or will give a reaction on my problem. What's going on. Only willing volunteers (Derek, Ewagner etc.) are active on the forum.

8 (edited by derek 2021-03-26 17:40:08)

Re: Styles

Hi Kees,
Are you using Windows 10?
I ask out of curiosity as I use a much older version of Windows (XP) and there are a number of objects where the style is inconsistent or not working.
If you are on Windows 10 and still see a difference, perhaps download the (free) Bitmap Style Designer from Embarcadero and write your own .vsf file and see if that corrects the problem.

Re: Styles

Hi Derek, tkanks again for your reaction. Yes, I use Windows 10 ans I will try your suggestion.

Re: Styles

Hi Derek,
I wanted to download Bitmap Style Designer from Embarcadero but I couldn't find a download link.
Do you have a download link that you can share please?

God... please help me become the person my dog thinks I am.

Re: Styles

Hi Adam,
As I don't have the requisite version of Windows, I'm not able to say with 100% certainty but I believe the Bitmap Style Designer is a tool that is included with, among others, the Community Edition of Delphi (free) that can be downloaded from https://www.embarcadero.com/products/delphi/starter
There's a docwiki that steps you through what needs to be done
http://docwiki.embarcadero.com/RADStudi … e_Designer
Once saved, you should be able to copy your .vsf file into the 'styles' folder within MVD 6.5.  It then becomes available to select from the 'styles' drop-down when you're building your application.
Sorry about all the caveats but, as I say, I'm not able to prove it for myself because I'm using an old version of Windows.

Post's attachments

Attachment icon styles.jpg 152.79 kb, 125 downloads since 2021-03-29 

Re: Styles

Thanks a lot Derek. Your kind explanation is appreciated.
I thought it was a stand alone app.

God... please help me become the person my dog thinks I am.

Re: Styles

Hi Adam,
That's what I thought when I was reading about it - guess it's more of a 'bolt on' but it would be neat if it were stand-alone.

Re: Styles

Hi Derek. I tried to use the Bitmap Style Designer, but it is much to complicated for me. So here stops a solution for my problem with the styles. In general, it seems that development of MVD has come to an end and that the developers are no longer concerned about bug fixes, questions from users or further development of the program. Dmitry is silent. After the last update (styles and bug fixes) I thought of buying a "life time license", but I don't do that anymore.

Re: Styles

Version 6.6 beta has been released


Re: Styles

Hello Domebil, I can't find version 6.6 beta

Re: Styles

see if I can find it


Re: Styles

here is the post where there is the link


Re: Styles

Thanks Domebil, but no succes...

Re: Styles

for your style problem is windows 10, you can't do anything and not the program


Re: Styles

You mean that Windows 10 is the reason of the style problem?

22 (edited by domebil 2021-04-12 17:55:13)

Re: Styles

surely in the future there will be more and more compatibility both by Bitmap Style Designer and by windows
