Topic: Database structure modification

I want to change database structure by SQLite Expert Professional.
I want to change PK and foreign key. Because Database design is very limited in My Visual Database apps.

Always its taking id as a primary and foreign key.

But If i change it by using SQLite Expert Professional, nothing changes in My Visual Database structures.

Would you please help me regarding this issue how can I change database attributes.

Re: Database structure modification

My Visual Database manages the table stucture with the file tables.ini

You can change with SQLite Expert Professional whatever you want. If it is not copied to tables.ini it will be ignored or corrected to the content of this file.

Whatever you want to change, if it is not possible inside My Visual Database you can not use it unless you write your own SQL Statements and manage everything with scripts. In other words you need to use My Visual Database as compiler editor with limited functions and limited expansion possibilities.

We will move all applications to Lazarus-IDE or Pilotlogic. For small internal applications you can use MVD, but not for large complex applications. The more or less open script.dcu file is a showstopper for us. We will not distribute internal programm logic to others, including competitors.