Re: What to implement first?

Hi All,

Anyone on here know how to execute an external program, for example a database full of pdf and tiff files names and drive location, On click load pdf viewer and display the filename stored in the database.

Thanks in advance.

177 (edited by CDB 2020-09-21 18:57:00)

Re: What to implement first?

Here is the code I use.  Windows will automatically open the registered application according to file type. Amend to your own circumstances.

To open a file displayed in a tablegrid by double clicking  on a row.

procedure frmMain_tgDatasheets_OnCellDoubleClick (Sender: TObject; ACol, ARow: Integer);
  fName :string;
  fName := SQLExecute('SELECT DISTINCT datasheetFile_Filename FROM Datasheets WHERE id = '+frmMain.tgDatasheets.SQLValue);

If you are using a tablegrid to display the database entries, then just set that up using the standard tablegrid wizard in VDB.

I've attached an image of my program displaying two rows of information. Clicking on either of them will open a different document. One is a PDF and the other is a text item.

Post's attachments

Attachment icon display_items.PNG 9.79 kb, 294 downloads since 2020-09-21 

On a clear disk you can seek forever

Re: What to implement first?

Good Day MVD Devs.

I got an idea on the password being implemented in User-Role feature. I successfully determined the hash being used in it and will help me in my future development when I have to reset user's password, have an auto-generated password etc. But for the other developer who doesn't know how that password is being hashed/encrypt will bump to a dead-end. I think it is much better to encrypt the password using the EcryptRC5 Function and let the Key disclosed/editable to the developer or make it as a property or a setting something like that. In that way, it is more secure for the password and less hassle for the developer.

Thank you and looking forward for the next update. Please do notice us. smile



Re: What to implement first?

Many thanks CDB, sorry for the late reply.


180 (edited by haciamirumbo 2021-08-16 01:21:25)

Re: What to implement first?

I think version 7 could include two form wizards. The first one is from a single table and the second one from one to many tables. Similar to the form wizard that is included in MS Access and Libre Office.

Form duplication or make a copy. Let's say we have several tables and forms that are almost the same. For example, teachers, students, doctors, nurses, helpers, volunteers, and all of them have lists view forms and data input forms. It would be great if once we created one form we could make copies changing the form name, then we just have to change the fields and labels.

If possible, fully integration or deployment to the MS surface tablets

Post's attachments

Attachment icon form_wizard.png 186.67 kb, 262 downloads since 2021-08-15 

Re: What to implement first?

Version 7.5 or 8. SQL query wizard or query builder similar or better to FlySpeed SQL. I am learning SQL and I think this could help a lot. I have read a lot of questions and corrections from the forum moderator that basically are SQL mistakes. MVD has an expression editor similar to the picture attached but you have to know SQL.

Post's attachments

Attachment icon SQL_query_wizard.png 99.39 kb, 265 downloads since 2021-08-15 

182 (edited by haciamirumbo 2021-08-16 01:07:24)

Re: What to implement first?

Could MVD has the magical undo function in the menu or taskbar button? wink

Today I deleted from a form by accident 10 labels, with text boxes, grid, and buttons and when I realized that I was deleting from the wrong form it was too late, I have to redo the form again which was not a big deal but I would have a big smile if MVD had an undo function. ( It is not MVD's fault for human mistakes).

Post's attachments

Attachment icon undo.png 3.5 kb, 247 downloads since 2021-08-16 

Re: What to implement first?

I like how often updates are released, especially version 7.5 and 8

Re: What to implement first?

AD1408 wrote:

Desprately looking for.......

App. custom exe icon applied via form1 properties

Do you think this could happen one day? Using a custom .ico file via a property for the forms?

185 (edited by k245 2022-08-02 06:01:01)

Re: What to implement first?

tcoton wrote:
AD1408 wrote:

Desprately looking for.......

App. custom exe icon applied via form1 properties

Do you think this could happen one day? Using a custom .ico file via a property for the forms?

I don't think it will ever happen. Icons in an application are a built-in resource that gets inside when the executable is compiled. There is no compilation of the executable file in MVDB, it is renamed from DLL to EXE.

Use this tool for change icon after first run an application, when executable file is appear:


Визуальное программирование: блог и телеграм-канал.

Re: What to implement first?

i have make a database and a add form, so the instruction was given at myvisualdatabase.com. now, i start with add after i push the green triangle for activate the database. now when ik push the button add happend olmost nothing. my add form is activate but stay on the background and come not in the front, what do i wrong. can somebody help me


Re: What to implement first?

Can you attach your project (delete the .exe file and then zip the rest of the application folder).
You can also post messages in your own language - most of us use Google Translate so it's not a problem.

Re: What to implement first?

Было бы классно внедрить яндекс карты. С возможностью добавление меток. Google карты сейчас не работают в проекте. Очень жаль. Но спасибо за те функции которые уже внедрены.

189 (edited by milworm 2024-11-14 17:51:31)

Re: What to implement first?

1: Please place the snippet section on the right side of the script display with the possibility of grouping and automatic transfer of codes in the script environment by clicking.

2:   I think MVD needs plugin system... tnx admin