Topic: ComboBox choice

Hello, when I click on a name in ComboBox it is displayed on the screen but when it prints it indicates the number 1, why?

Bonjour, quand je clique sur un nom dans ComboBox il s'affiche bien a l'écran mais quand le l'imprime il indique le chiffre 1, pourquoi?



Re: ComboBox choice

If you upload your project, someone will be able to say what is wrong.
But it sounds like you are using the table id in the report rather than the name field.

3 (edited by Destiny 2021-08-09 08:59:10)

Re: ComboBox choice

Here is the diagram for the display of my data.
I chose to print from the table but on the paper it shows "1" instead of "Typography".

Voici le schéma pour l'affichage de mes données.
Je choisi d'imprimer a partir de la table mais sur le papier il affiche "1" au lieu de "Typographie".

Post's attachments

Attachment icon Tables.jpg 54.34 kb, 86 downloads since 2021-08-09 


Re: ComboBox choice

As Derek has already reported, check what you submit to the print form, name or id record or something else.

5 (edited by Destiny 2021-08-09 12:15:14)

Re: ComboBox choice

RE: can you see what's wrong. I would like the press sheet to display "Etat" and so far nothing appears on the sheet.

RE: pouvez-vous regardez ce qui ne va pas. Je voudrais que la feuille d'impression comporte l'affichage de "Etat" et pour l'instant rien ne parait sur la feuille.


Post's attachments

Attachment icon Mes cartes 1.05 mb, 221 downloads since 2021-08-09 


6 (edited by sparrow 2021-08-09 13:23:14)

Re: ComboBox choice

If you need to display "Etat" :
1. choose field Etat.Excelent in action button IMPRIMER.
2. change field in FastReport.
If you choose Table.Etat nothing to display. In our database field Table.Etat - NULL.

Post's attachments

Attachment icon 1.jpg 11.67 kb, 93 downloads since 2021-08-09 

Re: ComboBox choice

Thank you very much, it works.
You're a  Chief.

Merci beaucoup, ca fonctionne.
T'es un chef Sparrow


Re: ComboBox choice

And for the checkboxes, how do I get them to appear on paper?

Et pour les cases a cocher, comment faire pour qu'elle apparaissent sur le papier.


9 (edited by sparrow 2021-08-09 20:25:17)

Re: ComboBox choice

1. in your database table create a "yes / no"  BINARY field
2 create calculated field in your database table
3. in IMPRIMER add calculated field
4. add checkbox in your Report and link with calculated field in report.

look examples here 088у project … 873#p31873

or here

Re: ComboBox choice

Hello, everything is OK for the checkboxes. Thank you very much, Sparrow.

Bonjour, tout est OK pour les cases a cocher. Merci beaucoup Moineau.



Re: ComboBox choice

Bonjour, when I double click in tableGrid to display my data on the form, I have this message that appears "No record selected for edinting" and none of my data is displayed. I do not see where the problem is. Can you tell me what's going on.


Re: ComboBox choice

Hello Destiny

1 - When you choose to double-click on an item in your grid, does the selection of this item become highlighted? (I'll bet yes)

2 - If so, you can place a button (made invisible) with the ShowRecord action which will display the details of this item in an input / edit form.

Give a copy of your project that we can correct this, the problem is certainly not complicated.

I have already met him in the past


Re: ComboBox choice

Here is the project in question:

Post's attachments

Attachment icon T2 (location).zip 342.17 kb, 219 downloads since 2021-08-24 


Re: ComboBox choice

You have two buttons with ShowRecord action for the same tablegrid. You cannot have that. I removed the ShowRecord Action on "Modifier" button and kept the one on "Afficher" button and now it works.

Re: ComboBox choice

Thank you very much, it is very stupid but I did not realize it and I nevertheless searched.
Have a good day and thanks again.


16 (edited by Destiny 2021-08-25 09:37:00)

Re: ComboBox choice

The problem is that I can no longer edit a selected file because when it opens the data is not displayed.


Re: ComboBox choice

Hello Destiny

I tested your project.
To obtain the data concerning a tenant by clicking his name in the grid, I removed the modify button which is duplicated with the Display button. So I renamed this last Display / Modify since both call the same form (Add).
Programming is a lazy thing, plus it lightens the code!

So it works for me: by clicking on a tenant in the grid, I can display all of its data.
Another improvement: in the Add form, when entering the black panel, take the opportunity to update the total cost (Rent, fees, Down payment) directly from this form. This will correct any bad entries.

Come back to us if needed

Re: ComboBox choice

It's good for me it works wonderfully.
Thank you, I have just taken a step forward.
Thank you very much, good evening to you.



Re: ComboBox choice

Hello everyone, I found a little screen resolution software that allows us to adapt our programs to all computers and tablets.
It is called "QuickChangeResolution" and is used without installation. Awesome.
