Topic: Changing Disabled Field Font Color

Hi all,
I was hoping someone has tried this before, but I was unable to find any related posts.
I'm trying to change the font color for a field that has the enable property set to false.
These are the things that I have tried already:

  • manually changing the font color in the field's property

  • using an OnChange event for the tablegrid related to the field

I don't have any other ideas to try, so I thought I would ask.
Normally shading the disabled fields is desirable, but I have a case where a different color would be helpful.

Post's attachments

Attachment icon disabled-font-color.png 1.44 kb, 85 downloads since 2021-09-11 

"Energy and persistence conquer all things."

2 (edited by derek 2021-09-11 11:33:51)

Re: Changing Disabled Field Font Color

Hi Joshua,
Once you've set a field to enabled := false then I don't believe you can change the font colour;  you can however, change the background colour which might be an option.
If it's the actual font colour you want to change, instead of setting the field to enabled := false, you could set the field to readonly := true;  this does allow you to change the font colour.
Be aware that this only works with edit fields, memo fields and comboboxes.  If I remember rightly, it doesn't work with checkboxes nor dates (a Windows restriction rather than MVD, I believe).

Re: Changing Disabled Field Font Color

Hi derek,
That's what I was looking for.  I overlooked the ReadOnly property.  I was getting it confused with the Enabled property which doesn't allow the field text to be selected.  This way the contents may still be selected and copied.
Many thanks!

Post's attachments

Attachment icon read-only-font-color.png 1.17 kb, 85 downloads since 2021-09-11 

"Energy and persistence conquer all things."

Re: Changing Disabled Field Font Color

While experimenting further with this, I noticed that MVD will create a clickable link to http urls.  This is neat, but I was trying to get this working for mailto links as well...
I found other posts that have done this (opening an e-mail client) using scripts, but I was wondering if there was a way to get MVD to do it natively before I use scripting for it.
I have tried appending the mailto: portion to the front of the field as well as saving it in the field data, but neither seem have the same result as the http:// links do.
Any thoughts?

Post's attachments

Attachment icon mailto-http.png 2.57 kb, 84 downloads since 2021-09-11 

"Energy and persistence conquer all things."

5 (edited by vovka3003 2021-09-11 18:59:29)

Re: Changing Disabled Field Font Color

Только скрипт.

procedure Mailto(Sender: TObject);

procedure EdMouseEnter (Sender: TObject);
  with TEdit(Sender) do
      if pos('@',Text) = 0 then exit;
      Font.Color := clBlue;
      Font.Style :=  fsUnderline;
      Cursor := crHandPoint;
      OnDblClick := @Mailto;

procedure EdMouseLeave(Sender: TObject);
 with TEdit(Sender) do
       Font.Color := clDefault;
       Font.Style :=   0;
       Cursor := crDefault;
       OnDblClick := nil;

procedure IsMailFields(Flds:array of TdbEdit);
var i:integer;
  for i:=0 to  length(Flds)-1 do
    Flds[i].OnMouseEnter := @EdMouseEnter;
    Flds[i].OnMouseLeave := @EdMouseLeave;


       // Здеь поля email через запятую:
      // ...


Re: Changing Disabled Field Font Color

Awesome.  Thanks vovka3003.  That's even more simple than the scripts I have found.

"Energy and persistence conquer all things."