Topic: Sorting Reported Data According to Group Header

Hello there,
I was trying to build a database for some operation and I wanted to sort or group my report data in terms of the Group header I specified instead of the data entry sequence in the "Lost sales form" but I was unable to do so as in the attached sample. In whatever sequence I enter the data, my desire is to group and sort them based on the "Machine. Name" category specified on the Group Header. I need someone to help me out. Thanks in advance.


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Attachment icon Sample 447.46 kb, 373 downloads since 2021-09-22 

Re: Sorting Reported Data According to Group Header

in your example there is no executable file to open it, we cannot help you


3 (edited by derek 2021-09-22 15:19:08)

Re: Sorting Reported Data According to Group Header

Hi Biruk,
I always try to do as much processing of the information within MVD before calling FastReport.
So, in your example, sort the data using the associated 'Report' button.
You can select an individual field from the 'sort' drop-down list but if you want to use 2 or more fields in your sort, then you can select the 'order by' option and then specify the fields (see the attached screenshot where I'm sorting by machine_name and then by lost_sales_reg_date);  here you can also specify ascending or descending sequence (ascending is the default and doesn't need to be explicitly stated).
Likewise if you only have one field that you want to sort on but want it in descending sequence, use the 'order by'.

Post's attachments

Attachment icon biruk.jpg 386.1 kb, 159 downloads since 2021-09-22 

Re: Sorting Reported Data According to Group Header

Thanks Derek, That was Helpful