Topic: New style project

In this project there are updated styles and a new one, plus there is the possibility for those who use the project to change style by using the buttons.

There are also a number of new button icons.

I hope you like it!

Post's attachments

Attachment icon style.rar 489.24 kb, 1443 downloads since 2021-02-12 


2 (edited by domebil 2021-02-12 08:27:23)

Re: New style project


Post's attachments

Attachment icon style.jpg 135.2 kb, 278 downloads since 2021-02-12 


3 (edited by domebil 2021-02-14 17:51:12)

Re: New style project

New style

Post's attachments

Attachment icon WinBN.rar 57.09 kb, 1137 downloads since 2021-02-14 


Re: New style project

domebil wrote:

New style

5 (edited by domebil 2021-02-18 19:17:37)

Re: New style project

Some bugs have been fixed

Post's attachments

Attachment icon WinBN.rar 54.04 kb, 985 downloads since 2021-02-18 


Re: New style project

Am trying to unzip folder and its asking for password. What's the password?

7 (edited by domebil 2021-02-26 17:40:23)

Re: New style project

I send it to you without rar

Post's attachments

Attachment icon WinBN.vsf 57.83 kb, 937 downloads since 2021-02-26 


8 (edited by domebil 2021-02-27 17:49:04)

Re: New style project

new style

Post's attachments

Attachment icon windows10SG.vsf 33.28 kb, 984 downloads since 2021-02-27 


9 (edited by domebil 2021-02-27 17:50:18)

Re: New style project


Post's attachments

Attachment icon windows10SG.png 41.29 kb, 245 downloads since 2021-02-27 


10 (edited by domebil 2021-03-04 09:15:39)

Re: New style project

the styles I have released here are all free for both private and commercial use


Re: New style project

Thank you domebil

Re: New style project

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