1 (edited by rjkantor 2014-12-11 23:22:04)

Topic: Signing MVD exes

In case anyone is trying to figure out how to sign MVD deployed exe's or setup scripts

You can use this command in a bat/cmd  file.

"C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v7.0A\Bin\signtool" sign /n "certificate name" "C:\Users\<profile>\Documents\My Visual DataBase\Projects\<projectfolder>\xxx.exe"

The "certficate name" is the common name of the certificate that has been imported into your certificate store.
<profile> is your logged in profile name.   xxx.exe is your actual exe name

You can generate your own code signing certificate from this link: https://toolbokz.com/gencert.psp
