Topic: ComboBox MultiSelect - Visual Problems


Please I need help with MVD v6.5

I have issue with ComboBox in appearance when enable MultiSelect for ComboBox

1st. I can't change the height of ComboBox specially when I change the font size I need to change the height. How to change the height with MultiSelect ?
2nd The drop list of ComboBox there is a square appear over 1st choice look like Select All button, make selecting 1st choice very hard. How to remove this option or make the 1st choice below this square ?

Post's attachments

Attachment icon ComboBox.MultiSelect.png 15.08 kb, 92 downloads since 2022-02-22 

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2 (edited by sibprogsistem 2022-02-22 16:51:15)

Re: ComboBox MultiSelect - Visual Problems

FMR wrote:


Please I need help with MVD v6.5

I have issue with ComboBox in appearance when enable MultiSelect for ComboBox

1st. I can't change the height of ComboBox specially when I change the font size I need to change the height. How to change the height with MultiSelect ?
2nd The drop list of ComboBox there is a square appear over 1st choice look like Select All button, make selecting 1st choice very hard. How to remove this option or make the 1st choice below this square ?

Post's attachments

Attachment icon Без имени.png 69.61 kb, 76 downloads since 2022-02-22 

Re: ComboBox MultiSelect - Visual Problems

Hi FMR,  Hi Sibprogsistem,
My understanding is that checkboxes (and radio buttons although MVD doesn't support them) are fixed size bitmaps and determined by Windows.  It's this that is determining the size of the combobox height, irrespective of what you change the font size to be.
As a work-around, what I've done in the past is to create a blank entry in the combobox (make sure that the combobox is sorted) so that at least the first 'proper' selection isn't being obscured, but it's far from ideal.
Please have a look at the attachment.

Post's attachments

Attachment icon multi select display 352.8 kb, 196 downloads since 2022-02-22 

Re: ComboBox MultiSelect - Visual Problems

derek wrote:

Hi FMR,  Hi Sibprogsistem,
My understanding is that checkboxes (and radio buttons although MVD doesn't support them) are fixed size bitmaps and determined by Windows.  It's this that is determining the size of the combobox height, irrespective of what you change the font size to be.
As a work-around, what I've done in the past is to create a blank entry in the combobox (make sure that the combobox is sorted) so that at least the first 'proper' selection isn't being obscured, but it's far from ideal.
Please have a look at the attachment.

Dear derek
Thanks for your amazing work and smart solution for 1st choice, but the issue I faced when I use MultiSelect and the computer connected to external 4K monitor the selection appear very small.

Thanks sibprogsistem
This is will not change the size if I activate MultiSelect option.

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