Topic: One TreeView two Editable Tablegrid

How can I use one Treeview and two editable TG ?
- Treeview used to navigating tablegrids
- Editable table grids. No additional form for populating tablegrids

Please see the attached sample project:

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Attachment icon 9.1 kb, 194 downloads since 2022-03-08 

God... please help me become the person my dog thinks I am.

2 (edited by sibprogsistem 2022-03-08 16:48:09)

Re: One TreeView two Editable Tablegrid

AD1408 wrote:

How can I use one Treeview and two editable TG ?
- Treeview used to navigating tablegrids
- Editable table grids. No additional form for populating tablegrids

Please see the attached sample project:

Post's attachments

Attachment icon Tester3.rar 8.2 kb, 234 downloads since 2022-03-08 

Re: One TreeView two Editable Tablegrid

Hi sibprogsistem,
Thank you for the reply. However, it doesn't work.
Cannot use treeview to navigate tGrids, i.e. clicking on Employees Two nodes doesn't display entries on Employees Two tGrid
Data added is not displayed within added treeview node. They are only displayed within "None" node only.

God... please help me become the person my dog thinks I am.

Re: One TreeView two Editable Tablegrid

AD1408 wrote:

Hi sibprogsistem,
Thank you for the reply. However, it doesn't work.
Cannot use treeview to navigate tGrids, i.e. clicking on Employees Two nodes doesn't display entries on Employees Two tGrid
Data added is not displayed within added treeview node. They are only displayed within "None" node only.

Perhaps I have already done a similar project, perhaps your work with the database is not correctly created

Re: One TreeView two Editable Tablegrid

sibprogsistem wrote:
AD1408 wrote:

Hi sibprogsistem,
Thank you for the reply. However, it doesn't work.
Cannot use treeview to navigate tGrids, i.e. clicking on Employees Two nodes doesn't display entries on Employees Two tGrid
Data added is not displayed within added treeview node. They are only displayed within "None" node only.

Perhaps I have already done a similar project, perhaps your work with the database is not correctly created

I'm not sure if I understood you correctly but If I could do it correctly I wouldn't be posting here for help.

God... please help me become the person my dog thinks I am.

Re: One TreeView two Editable Tablegrid

Hi Adam, Hi Sibprogsistem,
Just want to be clear what you're trying to do.
As I understand it, you want to add, edit and delete data in either of the two editable tablegrids and have this reflected as nodes in the tree rather than adding data directly from the treeview?
So is there only ever going to be 2 top level nodes (equivalent to the data in employees and employeestwo).
And within the Employees or Employees2 nodes, is there only ever going to be one sublevel?
As an asides, shouldn't editable grid2 be containing data from employeestwo table - at the moment it's pointing to employees (see attached screenshot).

Post's attachments

Attachment icon adam.jpg 115.87 kb, 95 downloads since 2022-03-08 

Re: One TreeView two Editable Tablegrid

Hi Derek,

My bad I forgot to set tg2 data from Employees2.
Original thinking was that there will be two top level nodes but under these two top level nodes many child sub levels.

If this doesn't seems to be doable without complications, We could take out second db and tg using just treeview and one tg, However, I'm trying to use fully editable tg that uses treeview nodes for navigating. I hope this one makes better sense.

God... please help me become the person my dog thinks I am.