Topic: move data from one table to another

Hello everyone!

i need expert help,

I work in a database where I can pass information from one table to another without being able to achieve it
I really appreciate your time and help to get it done, I attach a picture with the example Thank you, I hope you can give me support

Best regards.

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Attachment icon Capture4.JPG 64.61 kb, 103 downloads since 2022-03-11 

Re: move data from one table to another

eserjbrujo wrote:

Hello everyone!

i need expert help,

I work in a database where I can pass information from one table to another without being able to achieve it
I really appreciate your time and help to get it done, I attach a picture with the example Thank you, I hope you can give me support

Best regards.

Post's attachments

Attachment icon test.rar 4.22 kb, 282 downloads since 2022-03-11 

Re: move data from one table to another

Hello sibprogsistem!

Thank you very much for your help!

the database works great, you are a great master.

Very grateful for your time and support.

Best regards!

Re: move data from one table to another

Hello sibprogsistem!

Sorry for bothering,I have a question for you I hope you can help me, I appreciate your time and support.

I need to add 2 columns to the project, I only need to add the names to the script separated by a comma (,)?

SQLExecute('INSERT INTO Repaired(Items_Repaired,Model,Serial_Number)VALUES("'+

I have done it like this and my project does not give an error, but it does not do the action

I hope you can help me thank you very much

Best regards

Post's attachments

Attachment icon Capture7.JPG 87.81 kb, 109 downloads since 2022-03-17 

Re: move data from one table to another

Hi Eserjbrujo, Sibprogsistem,
Do you actually need to hold the information in 2 discrete tables?
If not, then you can just use 1 table and use a 'status' field (with values 'Waiting' or 'Repaired').  Please see attached.
Just a thought.

Post's attachments

Attachment icon move 561.33 kb, 278 downloads since 2022-03-17 

Re: move data from one table to another

Hi Derek!

Thank you very much for your help and support.

the idea of using 2 tables is because everything is concentrated in a single table, there comes a time when a lot of information in the same table the program stops working, the program starts to be very slow showing errors.after this I delete everything that is in the table, losing data,I haven't found a way to prevent this from happening. using 2 tables only the table where the repaired items are is deleted preventing everything from concentrating on a single table.

Used this project where I work in a warranty center and there are a lot of electronics that arrive.

Best regards

Re: move data from one table to another

Thank you all very much for your support, I will go to class to finish my project.


Re: move data from one table to another

Hi derek
            Here you used only one table. if there are two table then how it will be to transfer data from one table to another?

Re: move data from one table to another

Hi eserjbrujo, unforgettable. I want to disappoint you: the need to copy data from one table to another indicates that the database structure does not comply with the principles of normalization. Don't waste time looking for problems that are rooted in the wrong architecture.

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