Topic: Where is Dmitry?

Where is Dmitry? Is he alive?

Re: Where is Dmitry?

Expires On 2022-10-29

Where is Dmitry?

Re: Where is Dmitry?


Re: Where is Dmitry?

The date doesn't mean anything yet.
This is usually automatically renewed every year.

Re: Where is Dmitry?

Wood wrote:

The date doesn't mean anything yet.
This is usually automatically renewed every year.

it would have been if Mr. Dmitry were still alive

6 (edited by Wood 2022-03-16 15:06:29)

Re: Where is Dmitry?

you misunderstand.
It will automatically renew on 2022-10-29 to 2023-10-29.
And next year it will automatically renew on 2023-10-29 to 2024-10-29.

and so on...    like all the years before!

Post's attachments

Attachment icon myvisualdatabase.com_whois.png 2.06 kb, 103 downloads since 2022-03-16 

Re: Where is Dmitry?

Wood wrote:

you misunderstand.
It will automatically renew on 2022-10-29 to 2023-10-29.
And next year it will automatically renew on 2023-10-29 to 2024-10-29.

and so on...    like all the years before!

yes, but if you stop paying for it then it will expire on 29/10

8 (edited by k245 2022-03-17 11:05:10)

Re: Where is Dmitry?

Визуальное программирование: блог и телеграм-канал.

Re: Where is Dmitry?

But question is where is Dmitry??

10 (edited by manixs2013 2022-03-18 05:09:33)

Re: Where is Dmitry?

k245 wrote:


do you understand sir? where is dmitry? that's it!

Re: Where is Dmitry?

I didn't understand... plz explain

Re: Where is Dmitry?


Re: Where is Dmitry?

Where is Дмитрий?

14 (edited by k245 2022-03-19 07:03:52)

Re: Where is Dmitry?

To call Dmitry, it is not enough to repeat his name, sacred ritual actions are required.

Post's attachments

Attachment icon img-2022-03-19-10-02-46.png 1.04 mb, 108 downloads since 2022-03-19 

Визуальное программирование: блог и телеграм-канал.

Re: Where is Dmitry?

k245 wrote:

To call Dmitry, it is not enough to repeat his name, sacred ritual actions are required.

Procedure Please start on how to recite a ritual?