2 2022-04-07 09:00:16 (edited by brian.zaballa 2022-04-07 09:08:48)
Re: How to add Save Password ?
There's a bunch of codes here from my previous work on having a secret question and answer. I hope this can help you start on your problem.
If you find the code OnActivate
TForm(Form1).OnActivate := @activateForm;
somewhat new, you are not alone. I just learned and using it in the Project I am working with Embarcadero Delphi. Helps a lot on some circumstances.
Re: How to add Save Password ?
There's a bunch of codes here from my previous work on having a secret question and answer. I hope this can help you start on your problem.
If you find the code OnActivateTForm(Form1).OnActivate := @activateForm;
somewhat new, you are not alone. I just learned and using it in the Project I am working with Embarcadero Delphi. Helps a lot on some circumstances.
Thanks for your help, this is very complex code. can you shorting this code only for add Save Password checkbox ?
One can learn and graduate or stay behind.
Re: How to add Save Password ?
Re: How to add Save Password ?
Too many thanks, this is a perfect
I have change the location of the remember check box by modifying lines 49 and 50 , I believe this issue appear due computer screen resolution.
chkRemember.Left := 140;
chkRemember.Top := 345;
One can learn and graduate or stay behind.
6 2022-04-07 21:10:47 (edited by brian.zaballa 2022-04-07 21:10:57)
Re: How to add Save Password ?
Try using bLogin as your reference
chkRemember.Left := frmdbCoreLogin.bLogin.Left;
chkRemember.Top := frmdbCoreLogin.bLogin.Top-30;
7 2022-04-08 20:30:26 (edited by FMR 2022-04-08 20:31:11)
Re: How to add Save Password ?
Try using bLogin as your reference
chkRemember.Left := frmdbCoreLogin.bLogin.Left; chkRemember.Top := frmdbCoreLogin.bLogin.Top-30;
More than perfect !
The screenshot in attachment also I will try on others computers to check the results
One can learn and graduate or stay behind.
Re: How to add Save Password ?
I have a new issue, When I switch from SQLight to MySQL I facing issue on below lines
ini.WriteString('REMEMBER', 'user', EncryptRC5(frmdbCoreLogin.edLogin.Text, frmSafeguard.encryptKey.Caption));
ini.WriteString('REMEMBER', 'pass', EncryptRC5(frmdbCoreLogin.edPassword.Text, frmSafeguard.encryptKey.Caption));
frmdbCoreLogin.edLogin.Text := DecryptRC5(remUser, frmSafeguard.encryptKey.Caption);
frmdbCoreLogin.edPassword.Text := DecryptRC5(remPass, frmSafeguard.encryptKey.Caption);
One can learn and graduate or stay behind.
Re: How to add Save Password ?
That code doesn't affect to what DB you use. Is there any error message?
Check your user login settings too, maybe you are using dropdown instead of text
11 2022-04-09 07:27:01 (edited by brian.zaballa 2022-04-09 07:28:48)
Re: How to add Save Password ?
Can you check on the error? You can see it below https://ibb.co/Y7yBrbh
Maybe you didn't have the frmSafeguard or the label in it. Check on the error.
Off topic, how can I use the image I mean to show it on my reply/post. LMAO, been a while here but I can't use that img.
Re: How to add Save Password ?
Can you check on the error? You can see it below https://ibb.co/Y7yBrbh
Maybe you didn't have the frmSafeguard or the label in it. Check on the error.Off topic, how can I use the image I mean to show it on my reply/post. LMAO, been a while here but I can't use that img.
Undeclared identifier: 'frmSafeguard' at 30:105
One can learn and graduate or stay behind.
Re: How to add Save Password ?
There you have it, maybe you don't have frmSafeguard on your project.
I just put the key there for some security purposes, you can override it
ini.WriteString('REMEMBER', 'user', EncryptRC5(frmdbCoreLogin.edLogin.Text, 'YourKey'));
ini.WriteString('REMEMBER', 'pass', EncryptRC5(frmdbCoreLogin.edPassword.Text, 'YourKey'));
frmdbCoreLogin.edLogin.Text := DecryptRC5(remUser, 'YourKey');
frmdbCoreLogin.edPassword.Text := DecryptRC5(remPass, 'YourKey');
Re: How to add Save Password ?
There you have it, maybe you don't have frmSafeguard on your project.
I just put the key there for some security purposes, you can override it
ini.WriteString('REMEMBER', 'user', EncryptRC5(frmdbCoreLogin.edLogin.Text, 'YourKey')); ini.WriteString('REMEMBER', 'pass', EncryptRC5(frmdbCoreLogin.edPassword.Text, 'YourKey')); frmdbCoreLogin.edLogin.Text := DecryptRC5(remUser, 'YourKey'); frmdbCoreLogin.edPassword.Text := DecryptRC5(remPass, 'YourKey');
Your help is amazing
I'm really appreciate your help, THANK YOU
One can learn and graduate or stay behind.
Re: How to add Save Password ?
How to change the image for login screen ?
One can learn and graduate or stay behind.
Re: How to add Save Password ?
Hi FMR, Hi Brian,
Perhaps try it like this (see attached - UserID = admin, Password = admin).
Re: How to add Save Password ?
Hi FMR, Hi Brian,
Perhaps try it like this (see attached - UserID = admin, Password = admin).
Thank you Derek
It's work
One can learn and graduate or stay behind.
Re: How to add Save Password ?
Sorry for bothering you again, but I facing a strange issue.
When I switch from SQLight to MySQL, the saving username and password will not working if I add a button or any object on From1. When I remove all objects on Form1 the saving password will working.
Please review my project in attachment
One can learn and graduate or stay behind.
Re: How to add Save Password ?
Here's a workaround, putting password saving function on the mousenter event of the Form1. It seems that the onActivate function runs right after the showing of the login form.
Re: How to add Save Password ?
Here's a workaround, putting password saving function on the mousenter event of the Form1. It seems that the onActivate function runs right after the showing of the login form.
Brian , You are brilliant as usual !
I tried figure out what is problem by my self but when I tired, I ask in the right place and I got the perfect answer from you.
I'm really appreciate you much
One can learn and graduate or stay behind.