1 (edited by negadi37 2022-04-19 18:46:29)

Topic: Separation of days for a period of time

please i need help how to do that in MVD

Post's attachments

Attachment icon Capture d’écran 2022-04-19 191944.png 74.81 kb, 100 downloads since 2022-04-19 

2 (edited by sibprogsistem 2022-04-19 20:34:13)

Re: Separation of days for a period of time

negadi37 wrote:

please i need help how to do that in MVD


Post's attachments

Attachment icon sqlite.zip 2.99 kb, 175 downloads since 2022-04-19 

Re: Separation of days for a period of time

Hi Negadi, Hi Sibprogsistem,

It's hard to say without seeing your project (specifically your data structure).
If you can zip your project (without the .exe file) it would help.
But have a look at the attached which may give you some ideas (but there are probably other ways too).

Post's attachments

Attachment icon negadi.zip 374.71 kb, 177 downloads since 2022-04-19 

4 (edited by negadi37 2022-04-19 21:40:40)

Re: Separation of days for a period of time

derek wrote:

Hi Negadi, Hi Sibprogsistem,

It's hard to say without seeing your project (specifically your data structure).
If you can zip your project (without the .exe file) it would help.
But have a look at the attached which may give you some ideas (but there are probably other ways too).

thnks mr Drek but not like that i want just to show the days between a period in a table grid exmp:

from 01/04/2022 to 05/04/2022

Re: Separation of days for a period of time

sibprogsistem wrote:
negadi37 wrote:

please i need help how to do that in MVD


thnks for your effort but not like that i to show all the date between not only the first date and the last one
from 01/04/2022 to 05/04/2022

Re: Separation of days for a period of time

So what you want is to filter a tablegrid by 'from' and 'to dates.
Have a look at the attached - you can filter by date and by trip;  when you filter by trip, you can either use the combobox to select a trip or click in the trip tablegrid (and obviously you can use any combination of trip value and date values).

Post's attachments

Attachment icon negadi 2.zip 374.29 kb, 195 downloads since 2022-04-20 

Re: Separation of days for a period of time

derek wrote:

So what you want is to filter a tablegrid by 'from' and 'to dates.
Have a look at the attached - you can filter by date and by trip;  when you filter by trip, you can either use the combobox to select a trip or click in the trip tablegrid (and obviously you can use any combination of trip value and date values).

no its not a filter its a date feild start date and end date i want to show all date between
same like in the picture

Post's attachments

Attachment icon Capture d’écran 2022-04-19 191944.png 74.81 kb, 111 downloads since 2022-04-20 

Re: Separation of days for a period of time

Maybe something like this might help you.

Post's attachments

Attachment icon datebetween.zip 552.19 kb, 199 downloads since 2022-04-20 
