Topic: how to automatic filter when recap_Edit1_OnChange

how to automatic filter when recap_Edit1_OnChange

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Re: how to automatic filter when recap_Edit1_OnChange

Create search button and find incream search in editbox properties and select search button in incream search option.
You can use filter in editbox properties like %$% etc

Re: how to automatic filter when recap_Edit1_OnChange

blackpearl8534 wrote:

Create search button and find incream search in editbox properties and select search button in incream search option.
You can use filter in editbox properties like %$% etc

thanks blak its work
i need somthing pleas how to do this filtre

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Re: how to automatic filter when recap_Edit1_OnChange

Please explain the question... what do you want to do??

5 (edited by negadi37 2022-04-23 10:06:50)

Re: how to automatic filter when recap_Edit1_OnChange

blackpearl8534 wrote:

Please explain the question... what do you want to do??

I want to filter data by two textbox  for exampl whe i put 2021 in the first textbox and 2022 in the second i find only data in the marge of 2021 till 2022 look the picture min to max
I know that there is a a kind of solution by using datetimepiker
But i want to filter by textbox because the data type in the feild is a text and not a date/time
I wish that u understand me

Re: how to automatic filter when recap_Edit1_OnChange

Please upload project

Re: how to automatic filter when recap_Edit1_OnChange

blackpearl8534 wrote:

Please upload project

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Re: how to automatic filter when recap_Edit1_OnChange

Why are you using a text field?
A date field with the correct formatting should give you what you have asked for and there is no risk of users inputting dates into a text field with the incorrect format.

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Re: how to automatic filter when recap_Edit1_OnChange

derek wrote:

Why are you using a text field?
A date field with the correct formatting should give you what you have asked for and there is no risk of users inputting dates into a text field with the incorrect format.

Thaanks that's what i need exactly

10 (edited by negadi37 2022-04-23 18:43:01)

Re: how to automatic filter when recap_Edit1_OnChange

derek wrote:

Why are you using a text field?
A date field with the correct formatting should give you what you have asked for and there is no risk of users inputting dates into a text field with the incorrect format.

why the format of date not changed in fastreport ?
format yyyy/MM

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Re: how to automatic filter when recap_Edit1_OnChange

I don't use FastReport very much so not sure what the problem is;  perhaps someone else knows the answer.
Any issues like that and I tend to try and sort them out in MVD first;  in this example, I use a calculated field to reformat the month/year and use that in the report.

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