Topic: chart

how to create chart or draw graphics to show values on Form1
for example
i have 3 water tanks with 25000 liters Capacity.... Every tank Can be Different Capacity,,,,
and current water stock stored in Database...

Post's attachments

Attachment icon Nozzle.png 6.98 kb, 99 downloads since 2022-05-09 

Re: chart

Look at this example

Post's attachments

Attachment icon Chart on 13.75 kb, 231 downloads since 2022-05-09 


Re: chart

i need somethings like draw canvas

Re: chart

You can draw graphical primitives on the shape canvas or panel. But hardly anyone will provide you with ready-made scripts for drawing diagrams.

Specifically, in your example, I would use the TShape and TLabel components.

Визуальное программирование: блог и телеграм-канал.

Re: chart

Hi StateOne,
If you forego the graphics, you can achieve a similar result just with panels and labels.
It also keeps your script a lot simpler.
The attachment is just a simple example (no validations etc).   It's just to give you an idea..

Post's attachments

Attachment icon 352.31 kb, 230 downloads since 2022-05-10 

6 (edited by sibprogsistem 2022-05-10 08:48:00)

Re: chart

k245 wrote:

You can draw graphical primitives on the shape canvas or panel. But hardly anyone will provide you with ready-made scripts for drawing diagrams.

Specifically, in your example, I would use the TShape and TLabel components.

не, ну колбу-то я нарисовать могу
я не понимаю как закрашивать ее только на определенный процент

Post's attachments

Attachment icon Без имени.png 3.64 kb, 106 downloads since 2022-05-10 

Re: chart

sibprogsistem wrote:
k245 wrote:

You can draw graphical primitives on the shape canvas or panel. But hardly anyone will provide you with ready-made scripts for drawing diagrams.

Specifically, in your example, I would use the TShape and TLabel components.

не, ну колбу-то я нарисовать могу
я не понимаю как закрашивать ее только на определенный процент

Пожалуй, для "колбы" лучше использовать PNG картинку с прозрачной частью - внутренностью "колбы", а для "заливки" использовать TShape или TLabel.

Perhaps, for the "tank" it is better to use a PNG image with a transparent part - the inside of the "tank", and for the "fill" use a TShape or a TLabel.
Or abandon the rounding and use the example of Destiny )))

Визуальное программирование: блог и телеграм-канал.

Re: chart

А прогрессбар в режиме bpVertical, не..?

Re: chart

Thanks Friends... Vovka Example looks good. please send Project...