Topic: Documentation in English

Here you can find documentation of My Visual Database:
created by The Engineer in UK

Tutorial about My Visual Database … MANUAL.pdf
created by Yann YVINEC

Offline version:

Post's attachments

Attachment icon My Visual Database help 676.17 kb, 5890 downloads since 2014-12-21 


Re: Documentation in English


In the same vein, for french users, I've translated help manual for My Visual Database.
See DriveSoft to get it

If any mistake, thanks to mail me, I'll fix as soon as

Yann Yvinec

Re: Documentation in English

Very nice work on the translation by The Engineer - although I have noticed that in the Scripts/TableGrid/Methods and Properties section for Color that the description looks to still be in Russian; not sure if there are other areas that are similarly untranslated.

I can also not seem to find any information on whether an english translation like this will be (or has been) included in the installation package for off-line reference - can you please answer this for me here?


Re: Documentation in English


Thank you for the help, fixed.

Here you can download offline version of the help. … download=1


Re: Documentation in English

Hi !
Can you help me to get the help french version, please ?
Thanks a lot.
And Merry Christmas ;-)

Re: Documentation in English


In the moment I on vacation, I can do it after December 29th.
Merry Christmas! )


Re: Documentation in English

The Engineers brief statement.

When I created the help documentation it was all correct with no Russian language within.

But Drive Soft have the right to change the format to suit there needs as they are the outright owners of the documentation.

I wish you all the very Best for Christmas and The New Year.

The Engineer

8 (edited by mr_d 2015-01-19 13:07:25)

Re: Documentation in English

Hi Dimitriy,
Could you please keep the online (and offline) documentation updated with the most recent release version of MVD?
I suggest that you also implement some sort of version information for each component/property/method so that users know which items are relevant for the version of MVD that they are using.

e.g. for the new property dbLimit of the TableGrid component, this can be placed after the property name like:

dbLimit [1.48+]


Re: Documentation in English


Thank you for the idea, fixed )


10 (edited by bbacle 2015-02-09 03:23:45)

Re: Documentation in English

Footer part is still in Russian. I am including the translation that you can replace the Russian with.

Re: Documentation in English

Thank you for the help, where I can find your translation?


Re: Documentation in English

I don't know  about how conect my visual database with fastreport . can you help me? I am not programing.

Re: Documentation in English

agusecc wrote:

I don't know  about how conect my visual database with fastreport . can you help me? I am not programing.

Please, check out this topic:

You can create report without SQL query, using button action "Report"

Also you can attach your project (zip file without exe and dll)
I'll try to help you.
