Topic: Report WO Overlay

I see that one of those who asked for help deleted the topic and examples of creating a Report with Overlay.
Let's fill this gap.

Today we have an example of how to bypass the overlay.
Without drawing and combining the sizes of the overlay and table rows.

Text can be of variable length.
The last line on the page adjusts to fit. The last page is padded with blank lines.
MasterData1, Band3, Child1 are made for text up to 9 points inclusive.
If the font size is larger, you need to make changes.

The output is limited to 20 lines. To change, double-click on MasterData1. 0 - no limit.
The database has over 1000 stupid entries on 39 pages.

It seems to work. )))

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Re: Report WO Overlay

Hi sparrow,
It is too bad we have that trollish behavior here...
Thank you again for this example.  It is a very useful demo.  I was unaware of this until now and I needed it a long time ago.

"Energy and persistence conquer all things."

Re: Report WO Overlay

Hi sparrow,

I am the one who delete the topic. I thought it is okay to delete the topic.

Anyways thank you for this, I've been busy redesigning the reports.
How to set and add this band in the report?

Re: Report WO Overlay


Corrected version. Supports font up to 11 points.

Bugs fixed, new ones added. wink

Post's attachments

Attachment icon wo 346.23 kb, 299 downloads since 2022-08-10