Topic: Convert currency to words

Hi team,

I'd like to ask if you have any sample of converting currency to words in a report.

Let's say the value is 23.50. In the report , it must display TWENTY THREE AND FIFTY CENTAVOS

Please share your idea on this. Thank you!

Re: Convert currency to words

Hi SoftDevSalon,
The easiest way is probably to do the conversion within MVD (using the 'towords' function in a script) and take the text through to FastReport.

Post's attachments

Attachment icon towords in 338.96 kb, 312 downloads since 2022-08-23 

3 (edited by softdevsalon 2022-08-24 10:44:52)

Re: Convert currency to words

derek wrote:

Hi SoftDevSalon,
The easiest way is probably to do the conversion within MVD (using the 'towords' function in a script) and take the text through to FastReport.

I tried the sample, I love it.

But I want it to be coded in the fast report because the amount is dependent on the value per inputted with computation.

I think I did it. I am not sure if it will cause a bug.
I tried the same coding from MVD to FAST REPORT then calling it in the event.

Re: Convert currency to words

Hi sir, I have noticed.

That the cents part is not in words. How it should be done?