1 (edited by ralphtheprog 2022-09-10 03:55:14)

Topic: using web services

MVD seems like a gem of a find, only some question. I want to create a windows client for some webservers (frankly because I hate what web browsers have become), and I started looking for an ACCESS like environment. I stumbled upon MVD.

It's great that it supports sqlite and mysql. But since I need to interact with some web services, does MVD support:

* H T T P S calls (SSL)
* HMAC-based signing (e.g., using some secret key locally to do some sort of hashing before a request is sent to prove authentication, unfortunately each webservice tends to support their own thing here)
* a way to process JSON data

Essentially, I want a way to send API queries, then store or cache the results locally. The idea is to create an "offline" experience for some members of an API I am familiar with

If mysql is the only option, does MVD support connecting to MySQL over SSL or are there ways on windows to easily establish a tunnel? Thing is, I want to distribute this as a paid application. (Yes, once I evaluated MVD I plan on buying a lifetime license bc this thing rocks even with the stuff above).


Re: using web services

для работы с протоколом (https), Вам нужно добавить в корень програмы два файла

Re: using web services

Нефтеюганск do you keep some examples already ready?


Re: using web services

domebil wrote:

Нефтеюганск do you keep some examples already ready?

I made them a long time ago, you can search the Internet for more recent options
Я их делал давно, можете поискать в интернете более свежие варианты

Post's attachments

Attachment icon libssl32.zip 641.61 kb, 410 downloads since 2022-09-10 

Re: using web services

Hello ralphtheprog,

You can do pretty much anything you want with MVD and I've been using it for years. But my latest subscription dates back a few now because I switched to pure Delphi (personal choice). I still roam this forum because I met good people and a community always happy and prompt to answer questions, hich I still do from time to time.

If you have some knowledge of Delphi, you can go even further by adding code to your application.

Last time I tried my latest application version that was developed with MVD, the web scraping functions still worked, but not with SSL 1.3. So you'd better update (or add) those DLL's to your root folder.

Also, the HTTPQuery method works better than the HTTPGet method (or so I noted in my case).

Do not hesitate to submit your problems and question on the forum, there's always someone around here smile



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