Topic: using web services
MVD seems like a gem of a find, only some question. I want to create a windows client for some webservers (frankly because I hate what web browsers have become), and I started looking for an ACCESS like environment. I stumbled upon MVD.
It's great that it supports sqlite and mysql. But since I need to interact with some web services, does MVD support:
* H T T P S calls (SSL)
* HMAC-based signing (e.g., using some secret key locally to do some sort of hashing before a request is sent to prove authentication, unfortunately each webservice tends to support their own thing here)
* a way to process JSON data
Essentially, I want a way to send API queries, then store or cache the results locally. The idea is to create an "offline" experience for some members of an API I am familiar with
If mysql is the only option, does MVD support connecting to MySQL over SSL or are there ways on windows to easily establish a tunnel? Thing is, I want to distribute this as a paid application. (Yes, once I evaluated MVD I plan on buying a lifetime license bc this thing rocks even with the stuff above).