Topic: Responsive GUI

I would like thanks developer for that great application , I am looking For responsive GUI which allow my app adaptive with screen any screen size is it available or no ?
If No ! what's the best tricks can be done for making my App looks like responsive.

Re: Responsive GUI

Hi Haythem,
Perhaps try it something like the attached.
It uses a standalone 'scaling' table to hold various screen sizes and a percentage by which to scale your forms and by what your tablegrid row heights should be (the 'scaleby' function doesn't work with tablegrids and so needs to be specified separately).
The 'scaling' table can be found on the form 'formdictionaries'.  If you make changes to the 'scaling' table, you need to restart the application for them to take effect.
Sorry but I don't have monitors with different resolutions to check it out - but in theory it should work in such a way that when you start your application it will automatically adjust your forms according to the screen resolution of the device on which you are running it.

Post's attachments

Attachment icon scaleby 339.99 kb, 207 downloads since 2023-02-06 

Re: Responsive GUI

Thanks a lot derek you are always amazing ,...
But what I mean by responsive GUI with Maximize feature when I maximize application I need All elements in the screen automatically arranged with new scales as attached GIF

Post's attachments

Attachment icon gui.gif 157.35 kb, 78 downloads since 2023-02-07 

Re: Responsive GUI

Sorry - misunderstood what you were asking.
I've never been able to maximise a form and get all the elements to be positioned correctly (relative to their original places).  It ends up looking pretty messy.  In such cases, using 'scaleby' is a lot more straightforward although it loses the 'responsive GUI' effect you're after.
The other problem is that when maximising a form, whilst the elements can be resized (by setting 'anchors' for each object on a form), things like the contents of a field (or columns and rows in tablegrids) don't get resized correspondingly - although I guess you could play around with font sizes etc but it would be quite a lot of work and a lot of 'trial and error'..
Anyway, have a look at the attached - when you click 'maximise' you can see some of the problems.
As an alternative, try dragging the forms to resize them and see the different effects you can get by using different 'anchor' settings (eg on Form1 the buttons resize horizontally but not vertically and on Form 2 the button stays 'locked' relative to its original placement).
To cut to the chase, I think if you allow your forms to be maximised (or resized) you need to approach your form design differently to allow for it or be prepared for some scripts to stop screen objects overlapping etc.
Anyway, just some thoughts that might help you along.

Post's attachments

Attachment icon resize form .zip 336.62 kb, 208 downloads since 2023-02-08 

Re: Responsive GUI

Hello, I worked on a responsive dashboard and used panel for it. This might give you an idea. It is not perfect, but might help. smile

Post's attachments

Attachment icon 549.51 kb, 223 downloads since 2023-02-08 


Re: Responsive GUI

Panel scaling when the form is resized is only part of the problem. The biggest inconvenience is the change in the font display scale, which the user sets in his operating system. Although the form has a Scale property, which is responsible for the correct scaling, I cannot call it "correct". There may be several solutions.

1. Сreating a "loose" design that would allow the system to increase the size of fonts and elements without clipping and text overlapping other elements. This works for all components except the table - cell sizes don't automatically resize when font scaling changes.

2. Disabling the Scale property and creating your own scaling system. A universal solution, but very time-consuming to implement. In addition, the Rock property of the form must be set in the constructor, the programmatic change does not change anything, since it is used at the moment the form is created. Therefore, built-in system forms cannot be used with this system.

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