Topic: TableGrid Duplicate Records

Hi Every one
I have encountered a problem in my project and I attached it.
there are many personnel in a company  and each one has 2 or 3 children.
when I search the name of a personnel, the tablegrid in the searchtable shows records based on the children. For example instead of showing only one personnel it shows 2 or 3 records same name.
I attached the picture and in that picture it is clear what I need to do

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2 (edited by pavlenko.vladimir.v 2023-02-23 09:10:43)

Re: TableGrid Duplicate Records

The program works correctly, shows the same person twice, because he has two children whose names are also displayed in the table.
Программа работает правильно, показывает два раза одного и того же человека, потому, что у него двое детей имена которых так же выводятся в таблице.

Re: TableGrid Duplicate Records

thanks pavlenko.vladimir.v
I know that it works but what to I want to know is that, is there any way that the children are shown in just one line?
imagine that there are more than 50 personnel and each one has 2 , 3 or 4 children, then there will be many records

Re: TableGrid Duplicate Records


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Re: TableGrid Duplicate Records

identity wrote:

thanks pavlenko.vladimir.v
I know that it works but what to I want to know is that, is there any way that the children are shown in just one line?
imagine that there are more than 50 personnel and each one has 2 , 3 or 4 children, then there will be many records

(SELECT group_concat(childname, ", ") FROM Children WHERE
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6 (edited by identity 2023-02-23 11:00:40)

Re: TableGrid Duplicate Records

thanks a lot sparrow and  pavlenko.vladimir.v
both of the solutions are perfect and exactly what I needed.

Re: TableGrid Duplicate Records

Hi All,
Vladimir - using 'group_concat' with a calculated field - that's a great option.

Re: TableGrid Duplicate Records

Hi sparrow
In your sample (in the SQL Query of the Search Form) how can I add a Auto-number at the beginning of the tablegrid 1?

9 (edited by sparrow 2023-03-06 12:35:51)

Re: TableGrid Duplicate Records

    GROUP_CONCAT(Children.childname,', '),
FROM student 
 INNER JOIN Wife ON = Wife.id_student
 INNER JOIN Children ON = Children.id_student

WHERE CASE WHEN '{Edit3}' = '' THEN 1 ELSE Wife.wifefirstname LIKE '%{Edit3}%' END
AND CASE WHEN '{Edit1}' = '' THEN 1 ELSE Wife.wifelastname LIKE '%{Edit1}%' END
AND CASE WHEN '{Edit2}' = '' THEN 1 ELSE Children.childname LIKE '%{Edit2}%' END

P.S. and add header for new first columns for example Num in the propeties of Button4.

Num, Personel first name, Personel last name, Wife first name, Wife lst name, Child name, delete_col

and please read manuals or forum