Topic: alignment textbox.

Hello !!
Fitting a textbox to be filled from right to left?

Forgive my English, I used a web translator.

Como ajustar uma textbox para ser preenchida da direita para esquerda?

Perdoem meu ingles, usei um tradutor web.

Re: alignment textbox.


In current version you can do it  using script:


 Form1.Edit1.Alignment := taCenter; // Alignment of the text in the middle
 Form1.Edit1.Alignment := taRightJustify; // Align text to the right
 Form1.Edit1.Alignment := taLeftJustify; // Align text to the left (default)

Re: alignment textbox.

Thanks for the help, but it did not work.
In my textbox has the following masks: "R $ 0000.00"
In the typed script:

    ValorContrato: string;
      CadCli.ValorContrato.Alignment: = taRightJustify;

But it made simply align the entire contents of the texbox right.
I need to get what is typed in the form, is made from right to left, as well as a calculator.

How to do this?

Very thnak you.

Re: alignment textbox.

Sorry for inconvenience, but in current version it's not work with mask.


Re: alignment textbox.

Dmitry, thanks again for your help, removed the mask and it worked.
Is there any special characters that inserted in the mask, make it be filled as in the calculator?

Re: alignment textbox.

There is no any special characters for that.


Re: alignment textbox.

Very thank you Dmitry!!

Well... is the hint wink

To the next. Bye