Topic: Help in working through the local network

I want to help the project work through the local network
And work on more than one device at the same time

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Attachment icon network.rar 881.46 kb, 154 downloads since 2023-06-16 

Re: Help in working through the local network

Create a folder, put the program in it, share the folder
Создайте папку, поместите в нее программу, расшарьте папку

Re: Help in working through the local network

pavlenko.vladimir.v wrote:

Create a folder, put the program in it, share the folder
Создайте папку, поместите в нее программу, расшарьте папку

I want to open through a connection to the server and not through file sharing

Re: Help in working through the local network

hi... use mysql 5.5
install mysql on  server
multi users usesoftware at same time using server's ipaddress

Re: Help in working through the local network

pavlenko.vladimir.v wrote:

Create a folder, put the program in it, share the folder
Создайте папку, поместите в нее программу, расшарьте папку

Hi all,
If I'm not mistaken, this very simple method does not allow the use of the program by multiple users at the same time.

6 (edited by JONYXXX 2023-06-18 09:30:39)

Re: Help in working through the local network

reteinformatica wrote:
pavlenko.vladimir.v wrote:

Create a folder, put the program in it, share the folder
Создайте папку, поместите в нее программу, расшарьте папку

Hi all,
If I'm not mistaken, this very simple method does not allow the use of the program by multiple users at the same time.

I want a way to use this option through XAMPP program

Post's attachments

Attachment icon 123QQQ.jpg 62.25 kb, 37 downloads since 2023-06-18 

7 (edited by sparrow 2023-06-18 10:09:18)

Re: Help in working through the local network

If you want a way to use that option in XAMPP program,
please check out the MVD manual for this option, the XAMPP manual in the MARIADB section.
And I'm sure you can do everything if you read.

Post's attachments

Attachment icon RTFM-320.jpg 25.92 kb, 37 downloads since 2023-06-18 

Re: Help in working through the local network

To use this DBMS, it is not necessary to run a web server. You can (and should) use a database server.

Визуальное программирование: блог и телеграм-канал.

Re: Help in working through the local network

JONYXXX wrote:

I want a way to use this option through XAMPP program

The way is to install MySQL on the same computer or on another one that acts as a server, choosing MyVisual Database MySQL instead of SQL Lite, as you showed in the image and as you did in your project.
The only thing I didn't understand is if you need to know how to configure MyVisual Database or if you need help with MySQL. Xamp already has everything you need.