Topic: Reminder Alerts

Hi all,

Could anybody make sound alerts work for the sample project attached please...

Post's attachments

Attachment icon ReminderTSA2_Revised 64.17 kb, 100 downloads since 2023-06-22 

God... please help me become the person my dog thinks I am.

2 (edited by Destiny 2023-06-22 07:04:04)

Re: Reminder Alerts

For me the sound and the text work correctly, the sound is executed once but the functions not twice and in a loop does not work. There is a problem in the hours because the difference between Am and PM does not exist, they would have to be added. Otherwise the program works fine.

Pour moi le son et le texte fonctionnent correctement, le son s'execute 1 fois mais les fonctions pas deux fois et en boucle ne marche pas. Il y a un souci dans les heures car la différence Am et PM n'existe pas, il faudrais les ajouter. Sinon le programme fonctionne bien.


Re: Reminder Alerts

AD1408 wrote:

Hi all,

Could anybody make sound alerts work for the sample project attached please...

I didn’t understand the code, but apparently you have some kind of timer in your project, as soon as I save the project with the specified time, then after a few seconds I get a message with a signal. But the program does not respond to the selected time
Я не разбирался в коде, но видимо у вас в проекте какой-то таймер, как только я сохраняю проект с указанным временем, то через несколько секунд я получаю сообщение с сигналом. Но на выбранное время программа не реагирует

Re: Reminder Alerts

I too was wrong in the hours, the alert did not start because there is no AM and PM to choose from so when I planned an hour in the morning it was actually the evening.


Re: Reminder Alerts

Hi Guys,

The original code was kindly provided by EHW on this forum sometimes ago. I haven't seen him around lately.
Getting audio alerts working (x times and loop) beyond my capabilities. Perhaps some able and kind person could make it work properly.....

God... please help me become the person my dog thinks I am.

Re: Reminder Alerts

Added reminder X times.
Added loop reminder.
Repeat reminder 30 sec.
Changed pop-up messages. Automatically close after 20 sec.
Ability to stop reminders X times.

I haven't tested with audio clips longer than 20 sec.
There is still a lot of work on the project.
Errors are possible.

Something like this

Post's attachments

Attachment icon ReminderTSA2 EHW 389.31 kb, 107 downloads since 2023-07-13 

7 (edited by AD1408 2023-07-14 18:17:18)

Re: Reminder Alerts

Hi Sparrow,

Nice one.. Thank you very much...........

I'm checking it up. Only things I found so far:
- Next to play sound button stop button is missing
- Used more than 20 sec audio file. Tested for x time play option (2 times). First play cut of before audio clip finishes but the second and the last one played fully. I guess there is a timer for intervals or something. Instead of fixed timer it may be implemented in such a way that timer kicks in after clip play finishes. However, it's no big deal for me. 20 seconds plays are good enough.


1. I noticed that stop btn is not missing but it was disabled. I have enabled and it seems to be functioning OK. Perhaps I'm missing something?
2. Could you please improve the alert dialog:
Dialog showing text message and for stopping sound file play should stay on screen until user clicks OK btn or media file finishes playing.

God... please help me become the person my dog thinks I am.

8 (edited by sparrow 2023-07-14 21:28:56)

Re: Reminder Alerts

The dialog box in the script is called by the function MessageDlgTimeOut(,,,)
where the last argument in this function is the display time on the screen in milliseconds. 20000 - 20 sec.

What exactly is 20 seconds related to?
By default, the timed reminder check timer is set to 30 seconds.
If you leave the dialog box on the screen, the program will not be able to check
and display new reminders at this time. Therefore, the path chosen was to display the
dialog box for 20 seconds and terminate it.
And for Loop, display a separate form with the STOP button.

You can experiment by changing the parameters yourself or replace them with the MessageDlg() function.

Stop button next to play? Now the button does nothing even if it is turned on.