Topic: FastReport Update? QrCode broken, it skips all zeros

Is there a way we can update the FastReport module which is 10 years old? I am trying to get QrCodes in reports but it skips any zero present in the field which renders them completely useless. Is there a trick?

Let's say I have a field named pcode which contains references like 533656021545 or 10005354300, when the QrCode is scanned, it has removed all zeros and the pcode looks like 53365621545 or 153543.

Re: FastReport Update? QrCode broken, it skips all zeros

QR codes work fine, look for errors in your project.

Post's attachments

Attachment icon изображение_2023-08-01_101258458.png 17.45 kb, 93 downloads since 2023-08-01 

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Re: FastReport Update? QrCode broken, it skips all zeros

It does work with text fields but if the field is integer, it skips the zeros when scanned!!

Re: FastReport Update? QrCode broken, it skips all zeros

How do set other properties for the QR code, like displaying some text below the QrCode? The "edit" menu is disabled for QrCodes.

Re: FastReport Update? QrCode broken, it skips all zeros

There is an open source version of FastReport now, any chance to see an ultimate version of MyVisualDatabase implementing it?

Re: FastReport Update? QrCode broken, it skips all zeros

tcoton wrote:

There is an open source version of FastReport now, any chance to see an ultimate version of MyVisualDatabase implementing it?

Free Open Source Reporting tool for .NET6/.NET Core/.NET Framework that helps your application generate document-like reports.
No chance )))

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