Topic: Journal

Hi all,

I like to use Sparrows custom calendar to build a simple journal app. Sparrows code beyond my capabilities.

Basic outline:
1. Using Treeview for list of years - manually entered.
2. Sparrow's custom calendar would be action as tablegrid as it would display the months and days of selected year from the treeview.
3. Clicking on a date on the calendar would show the available journal details if there is any data entered - without the use of a tablegrid.

It'd be great if anybody get this journal working!!!

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God... please help me become the person my dog thinks I am.

Re: Journal

I'll try to help you with the calendar.
As for the output of the log information, I did not quite understand you. Where should it be displayed?
Describe in more detail.

And please fill the database with test information.

Re: Journal

Hi Sparrow,

Thank you very much...

I hope attached image clarifies it better.

Data can be anything text and images.

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God... please help me become the person my dog thinks I am.

Re: Journal


I can help you with a specific question, not writing your program.
In this case, I tried to help you work with the calendar in your program.

The calendar works as part of your program.
I expanded the description in the script and added additional key comments.
I hope this makes your job easier.

I am very sorry that you reacted to my request (to fill in the database) in this way.


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Attachment icon JournalTW 459.41 kb, 89 downloads since 2023-09-06 

Re: Journal

Hi Sparrow,

Thanks for the update...

What I wanted is to connect treeview to calendar and using calendar to display outputs... Perhaps it was too much to ask...
Regarding db data; I didn't know how to fill db of non working app. I think I may have misunderstood your request. My apologies.

Looks like I'll have to go with treeview and tablegrid approach.
Once again, thanks for your attention...

God... please help me become the person my dog thinks I am.

Re: Journal

Unfortunately, I don't know what your tree looks like either.
But if, for example, a tree cell is a year, then you can form a date from the text of the tree cell
and send it to the procedure for updating the calendar. The procedure call is described in the script.