1 (edited by sonixax 2022-04-06 18:52:34)

Topic: Generate Qr code

Is there any way/example to generate qr code/barcode programmatically? 
Also I need qr code/barcode in report (print) form.

Many Many thanks

Re: Generate Qr code


Post's attachments

Attachment icon Barcode.zip 335.63 kb, 415 downloads since 2022-04-06 

Re: Generate Qr code

Many thanks.
Is there any way to show them in program itself too?

Re: Generate Qr code

Barcode and QRcode are generated in the Report.
Now the "Print barcode" button opens the designer. You can switch directly to the preview.

Re: Generate Qr code

sparrow wrote:

Barcode and QRcode are generated in the Report.
Now the "Print barcode" button opens the designer. You can switch directly to the preview.

Many thanks,
so there is no way to show qr code in the program itself? (only in reports?)

Re: Generate Qr code

sonixax wrote:

Many thanks,
so there is no way to show qr code in the program itself? (only in reports?)

This will require a little more code))



Визуальное программирование: блог и телеграм-канал.

Re: Generate Qr code

Hi MVD, I send to you example my project.
I need your helping for print report member presence
and ajust time barcode scanner automatically.
thanks you

Post's attachments

Attachment icon report.PNG 46.08 kb, 51 downloads since 2023-09-25 

Re: Generate Qr code

Hi Agusecc,
I'm not quite sure what you are asking for - perhaps you could explain it in more detail and with an example.
But while I was looking at your project, I thought your data schema looked a bit strange.
1.  why do you hold 'barcode' and 'name' in the 'presence' table?  Wouldn't it be better to create a relationship to the 'member' table?
2.  why do you hold 'activity' on the 'activity' table?  Wouldn't it be better to create a relationship to the 'typeofactivity' table?
Both of these would make your script shorter and a lot simpler.  They might also have an effect on the approach you have chosen on some of your forms.
Also, in your script, what is the purpose of procedures 'FrmInputPresence_Edit1_OnKeyDown' and 'FrmInputPresence_Edit1_OnKeyUp'?  It doesn't appear to do anything.
I simply ask because if there are things that are possibly not configured correctly, it will most likely cause you problems as you continue to develop your project.

Re: Generate Qr code

Hi Derek.
The purpose of procedures 'FrmInputPresence_Edit1_OnKeyDown' and 'FrmInputPresence_Edit1_OnKeyUp are  to read the barcode by barcode scanner from the member card, as a sign of entering existing activities.

10 (edited by Destiny 2023-09-26 16:53:08)

Re: Generate Qr code

Hello, is there a possibility of displaying more information in the 'Flashcode' because there is only the name.

Post's attachments

CB.jpg, 1.94 kb, 55 x 53
CB.jpg 1.94 kb, 92 downloads since 2023-09-26 


11 (edited by sparrow 2023-09-26 20:13:25)

Re: Generate Qr code


The report automatically expands the QR depending on the number of characters. I tried it with 200 character text. That's where I stopped.
More text means larger matrix size.