1 (edited by v_pozidis 2023-09-29 15:56:25)

Topic: Continue printing in the second page

Hi all, I face a problem with my software. I like to print in two pages the memo box. When  the first page is full it should continue in the second page. Please help me if it's possible. In my example, you will understand what I am asking.

Post's attachments

Attachment icon print.zip 719.37 kb, 97 downloads since 2023-09-29 

2 (edited by sparrow 2023-09-29 18:59:17)

Re: Continue printing in the second page

On the second page, delete ReportPrintMemo1.
Create an empty text object at this location. By default its name is Memo1.

Let's go to the first page.
In the properties of Reportprintmemo on the left we look for FlowTo. We enter Memo1 by hand.
Let's check the result.

P.S. And pictures can be converted to PNG 256 colors.
They will become smaller in file size and the report will be faster to work with and print.

Re: Continue printing in the second page

Sparrow it works perfect. Thank you so much.!

Re: Continue printing in the second page

been working with fastreport embedded in MVD for couple of years now and I just learn this trick now. Thanks sparrow.


Re: Continue printing in the second page

