Topic: Need Help

Hi Every one
   I am attaching a project which is basically structure of my project. I am developing and application for pharmacy. There is three forms. Form Sales which will deal with customer's orders while other maintain stock in hand and third about medicines and it prices.
I use button5(Add) to add medicines and its prices from cb1, Edit2, Edit4, Edit 5 and Edit6 and result will show on tablegrid1and then price invoice. Problem is there tablegrid1 show all records but I want it must show current invoice records. Button1(Next) is for next invoice and clear all fields too.
I need some help. Thanks in advance.

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Re: Need Help

If your data schema does not reflect your business requirement, then you will encounter many problems.
From what you have described, as a minimum you need to have a 'sales header' table (to hold invoice#, salesman and invoice date/time)  and a 'sales items' table (to hold product, quantity, price).  This is the core of your requirement and I would suggest you rework what you already have on that basis and then review what else you might need.

3 (edited by unforgettable 2023-10-28 13:48:03)

Re: Need Help

Thank you derek to reply. I am attaching my old project which was my learning project. Many members help my on that project. Look at project Form2 uses to input of sales to form sale. and then get print. In this project we use a separate form for input but in Pharmacy project such form is not using but on same form. Objects in Group Box 1 of the form Sales are used to input sales but it does not give same result as income expenses project's result.

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Attachment icon Income Expenses 357.06 kb, 67 downloads since 2023-10-28