Topic: Progressbar Color

how to change progress bar color

Re: Progressbar Color

Which progress bar?

Re: Progressbar Color

The appearance of the TProgressBar component starting from Windows 7 is determined by the operating system settings. But if you use style, then the progress bar becomes stylish too.

Визуальное программирование: блог и телеграм-канал.

Re: Progressbar Color

k245 wrote:

The appearance of the TProgressBar component starting from Windows 7 is determined by the operating system settings

Его можно зарестайлить, но в MVDb не получится импортировать нужные виндовые функции...

5 (edited by StateOne 2023-11-11 13:31:33)

Re: Progressbar Color

how to use this type off bars????
i am using tprogressbar in vertical style....
and i want to change colors by product type

Post's attachments

Attachment icon bars.png 16.92 kb, 28 downloads since 2023-11-11 

Re: Progressbar Color

StateOne wrote:

how to use this type off bars????
i am using tprogressbar in vertical style....
and i want to change colors by product type

Henry Ford say “A customer can have a car painted any color he wants as long as it’s black”.

This is the same with the progress bar, only green.
You can use different colors of panels under progressbars and get different borders on the element.

Re: Progressbar Color

StateOne wrote:

how to change progress bar color

Something like this?

Post's attachments

Attachment icon 335.09 kb, 108 downloads since 2023-11-11 

Re: Progressbar Color

sparrow wrote:
StateOne wrote:

how to use this type off bars????
i am using tprogressbar in vertical style....
and i want to change colors by product type

Henry Ford say “A customer can have a car painted any color he wants as long as it’s black”.

This is the same with the progress bar, only green.
You can use different colors of panels under progressbars and get different borders on the element.

i change Panel color but doesn't work..

Re: Progressbar Color

Новичок wrote:
StateOne wrote:

how to change progress bar color

Something like this?

Good Effort but i am using TProgressBar....

Re: Progressbar Color

Another option

Post's attachments

Attachment icon Quant en 8.77 kb, 93 downloads since 2023-11-15 

Re: Progressbar Color

sparrow wrote:

Another option

Beautiful. Effective. You are on top as always!

Визуальное программирование: блог и телеграм-канал.

Re: Progressbar Color


Thank you

Now let's add some effect and some functionality.
That's all.
Something like this.

Post's attachments

Attachment icon tank en 89.73 kb, 82 downloads since 2023-11-16 

Re: Progressbar Color

Hi StateOne,
Another slightly different approach is to use overlaid labels.
The attachment is based on elapsed time but it could just as easily be applied to any scenario such as your 'diesel tanks' example.
Maybe this gives you some more ideas.

Post's attachments

Attachment icon simple progress 442.36 kb, 97 downloads since 2023-11-17 

Re: Progressbar Color

Bundle of thanks friends..
great examples