Topic: need help with import

Dear All

I need help with importing an excel or CVS file, I need to import a file containing Serial Number and the program automatically matches the SN with the name and add the rest of the information.

and if there no SN inform that is no match for this SN.

and a way to show what i import.

Thanks in advance

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Attachment icon records.rar 294.44 kb, 46 downloads since 2023-12-01 

Re: need help with import

Have a look at the attached example which loads data from an external .csv, shows what rows have been matched and which have not been found and then updates those rows that match.
Maybe this can give you some ideas.

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Attachment icon 341.33 kb, 77 downloads since 2023-12-02 

Re: need help with import

Thank  you for your kind support, it is very helpful