1 (edited by sparrow 2024-01-19 15:04:15)

Topic: DiskCollection

Something like this

Post's attachments

Attachment icon DiskCollection alpha.zip 1.64 mb, 196 downloads since 2024-01-19 

Re: DiskCollection

Hello Sparrow

Thanks for this disk management project.
I added a piece of code from Derek to colorize the artists and their albums:

procedure Form1_TreeView1_OnChange(Sender: TObject);
var vi: integer;
   Form1.TreeView1.Columns[1].Visible := false;
   for vi := 0 to form1.treeview1.RowCount-1 do
       if Form1.Treeview1.Cells[1,vi] < '1' then Form1.Treeview1.Cell[0,vi].TextColor := clRed;
       if Form1.Treeview1.Cells[1,vi] = '1' then Form1.Treeview1.Cell[0,vi].TextColor := clBlue;
       if Form1.Treeview1.Cells[1,vi] < '1' then Form1.Treeview1.Cell[0,vi].FontStyle := fsBold;
       if Form1.Treeview1.Cells[1,vi] = '1' then Form1.Treeview1.Cell[0,vi].FontStyle := fsBold;
     Form1.TreeView1.Columns[0].Footer.Caption := SQLExecute('Select Count(distinct ParentID) from Musicians');
     Form1.TreeView1.Columns[0].Footer.Color := $002C8BBA;

As part of managing my classical music records, I am going to add a few additional combo boxes
(Name of performer, director, soloists, etc.).
To be continued :
Creation of a grid grouping all these items to carry out more comprehensive searches, individual or global states,
different types of import-export, pies....
Finally, possibility of retrieving information from the Internet (but this is not a given). I had tried in another project, but
too many error messages and HTTP is difficult to handle.
But I'm still going to try.

Re: DiskCollection

Hi Jean

It's easier to do this without adding columns using



I'm using this function in a script.

The function will return 0, 1, 2 or 3 for the string.
0 - root
1 - musician
2 - album
3 - extra disks

Good luck in expanding the project. If you have any questions, write.

4 (edited by jrga 2024-01-21 18:38:10)

Re: DiskCollection

I'm sorry it doesn't work in MVD 5.6....

Roberto Alencar

Re: DiskCollection

jrga wrote:

I'm sorry it doesn't work in MVD 5.6....

Supports versions 5.6 and higher

Post's attachments

Attachment icon DC alpha.zip 1.56 mb, 182 downloads since 2024-01-21 

Re: DiskCollection

sparrow wrote:
jrga wrote:

I'm sorry it doesn't work in MVD 5.6....

Supports versions 5.6 and higher


Roberto Alencar