Topic: Help needed with some report designing.

Hello Guys I need help on designing reports.

Attached Project and Image.

1) How to use once calculated SysMemo in another SysMemo

example look at "Total Amount After Tax"


Instead of that if I can use SysMemo of Total Amount Before Tax + CGST + SGST = Total Amount After Tax

2) How To Print HSN once

3) Automatic Invoice/Outward Number.

If there is another Method to Do it Let me know. like calculating everything in App first after that just print it and no calculation in Reports.(good idea or bad idea).

Post's attachments

Attachment icon GP Inventory and 367.61 kb, 107 downloads since 2024-05-08 

2 (edited by sparrow 2024-05-08 12:22:25)

Re: Help needed with some report designing.

1 - [sysmemo??.value+sysmemo??.value+sysmemo??.value ... ]

Re: Help needed with some report designing.

sparrow wrote:

1 - [sysmemo??.value+sysmemo??.value+sysmemo??.value ... ]

Thank you @sparrow

Anyone Like to help with

2nd and 3rd problem.

Re: Help needed with some report designing.

1.  To print HSN once, just move it up into the page header section of the report.  You might also want to do this for the item as this is also repeated in the master data section.
2.  Try adding a counter to the 'transaction' table;  this will add a unique number to both the inward and outward transactions.  Then you can add the counter to the report in the master data section.
Rather than have 2 versions of the report (daily and monthly) I would also suggest that you run the report with a date range instead;  this gives more flexibility (you can still do 'daily' and 'monthly' but also for any range of dates that the client might ask for).  You can then add the date to the master data section of the report (see attached).

Post's attachments

Attachment icon GP Inventory and Invoice 354.27 kb, 118 downloads since 2024-05-10 

Re: Help needed with some report designing.

derek wrote:

1.  To print HSN once, just move it up into the page header section of the report.  You might also want to do this for the item as this is also repeated in the master data section.
2.  Try adding a counter to the 'transaction' table;  this will add a unique number to both the inward and outward transactions.  Then you can add the counter to the report in the master data section.
Rather than have 2 versions of the report (daily and monthly) I would also suggest that you run the report with a date range instead;  this gives more flexibility (you can still do 'daily' and 'monthly' but also for any range of dates that the client might ask for).  You can then add the date to the master data section of the report (see attached).

thank you I totally forgot about counter

date range nice idea.