1 (edited by AD1408 2024-05-15 10:59:57)

Topic: [Unresolved] Same form

Hi All,

Sometimes ago, with the help of Derek and EHW put together an app. where I could add/edit/delete on the same form.
I tried to add Treeview to it but couldn't get the connection between Treeview and Tablegrid... Couldn't get it work?

Here is the sample project:

ps/. I marked as unresolved, just in case somebody comes up with a solution.

Post's attachments

Attachment icon Summaries1.zip 36.77 kb, 88 downloads since 2024-05-10 

God... please help me become the person my dog thinks I am.

Re: [Unresolved] Same form

Hi Adam,
Change your sorting mode in the Treeview as follows:
frmSummary.TreeView1.dbCustomOrderBy := 'ParentID, Name';
So you can get rid of the Up and Down buttons
(I think you were using them to alphabetize the Name field?)
As for calling the Tablegrid, there is no difficulty
(See image in attachment)


Post's attachments

Attachment icon Exemple.jpg 92.29 kb, 42 downloads since 2024-05-10 

3 (edited by AD1408 2024-05-11 13:51:03)

Re: [Unresolved] Same form

Hi Jean,
Thanks for the reply.
Up n Down buttons are actually for moving nodes up and down, not for sorting... in any case issue is not them.
When using separate form for adding/editing I know tree and tg connection but when I tried to do it on same form, it didn't work.

... and still I couldn't get it working properly.

God... please help me become the person my dog thinks I am.

Re: [Unresolved] Same form

Hello Adam
Is it an obligation for you to do everything on the same form?
I believe that in his example on a Treeview, Dmitri called a second form to display the data, but I will have to find his project on the forum.