Topic: fill combobox with value of the shown record

hey at all, pls see the attached project. when double clicking an entry in tablegrid1 for showing the specific record in a new form, how do i autofill the combobox with the organisation name i double clicked before in the tablegrid1? many thanks in advance for your help! :-)

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Re: fill combobox with value of the shown record

You need to add a small script to pass through the ID of the organisation associated with the 'onshow' event of the 'location' form (please see attached).
This is not normally needed if you create 'organisation' records in a standard way (ie use a separate form rather than creating the 'organisation' record on Form1 (which can also cause potential problems with duplicate records)).

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Re: fill combobox with value of the shown record

thx a lot derek! exactly what i was searching for. where can i find good resources to learn all the scripting?

Re: fill combobox with value of the shown record

Any of the free tutorials you can find online for Pascal might be a starting point. 
Having said that, I find them a bit 'abstract' and you can spend time trying to work out exactly how they relate to the MVD environment.
Personally, I'd stick with this Forum and simply download various projects that others have uploaded and use them as a learning tool;  the basic syntax should soon become clear.
I also believe it's important that you don't try to 'run before you can walk'.  Rather than start off with a 'real' application that you want to write, it's probably better to take a step backwards and create a very simple 'play project' where you can try things out without worrying about messing things up and so build up your scripting knowledge gradually;  in my experience it will pay dividends in the long run.
And, of course, if / when you get stuck on something, post to the Forum and someone will invariably get back to you with solutions, options and advice.