Topic: Font

Is it possible to include our own font in the program so that it comes with it.


Re: Font

Hello Destiny
Yes, I have already done this with several of my MVD applications.
But you must provide your font with your project and modify the XML file accordingly as in my previous post.
However, if the user of your application does not have this font on his machine, you will have to tell him to install it first.

I think that on one occasion, one of my users did not want to install my font ('Calibri') on his machine and that Windows had automatically replaced it with a generic one (Arial I think).
But to be verified.
But maybe there are other, simpler methods.

Re: Font

I modify the XML file and add my font in my program but MVD will search for the font directly in C:\Windows\Fonts and cannot find the one I added in my files. Is it possible to modify MVD.


Re: Font

Hello Destiny,
Have you also installed your font in the Windows fonts folder?
If not, click on the name of your font, Windows will present it to you and offer to install it (via the Installer button).
Is your font a TTF?
Ah Crozon!
I know it perfectly, being from Ar Faou.

Re: Font

Hi Jean, yes my font is in TTF. I will try to find a solution to include it directly in my program.
Crozon and its wonderful landscapes say hello to you.
Thank you for your answer.


Re: Font

Hello Destiny
Don't forget that on a PC, Windows manages a good part of what concerns the display, including fonts.
Sometimes, it's really annoying when you want to get effects in MVD and Windows prevents you from doing so because it wants to remain the boss in certain areas.