1 (edited by kavinacomputers 2024-07-18 07:12:00)

Topic: How to link this project database schema properly?

Need some guidance over this small project.

@derek you gave one project inside there was small script.

In this project outward edit does not work because of conditions. found out today.

https://myvisualdatabase.com/forum/view … hp?id=8937

upload1 .zip

filtering with keys works in current project in inward form. thank you @derek

I added challan number before outward and now I can not figure out how to get items.
https://myvisualdatabase.com/forum/view … hp?id=8992
Which are inside inward.

What I am trying to do is.
select party -> which filters ->challanno and based on that challan number -> items are filtered from inward and show them in next item dropdown. tried key filter method here but that locks dropdown
and can not add second outward as child record.

Is there a way to add multiple entries in single go instead of going through add one by one using form.

I know there is datagrid table edit,create and delete but I don't know that I can use filters like
Forms inside it? like parent box control.

Few Questions

1) Can I do something like this add entries first and link them afterwards

like filter data, use checkbox in grid select them and link them to where I need.

2) How you guys give setup file?

3) Which files are provided to client and which are not.

4) Any default ways to create license.

5) Uploading projects to forum which files are not needed I red somewhere in forum exe and sqlitel.dll remove to reduce size.

6) How to change Icon? Search Symbol.

Thank you to @Dmitriy for creating this software.

What I am Trying To do is In my shop there is software called busy which I use daily only few parts of it I use for my work. If I am correct Out of 1000 features may be I am using 5 modules. I am Just trying to simplify my life.

I recommended this software to few people and they asked me some questions they are pro devs
So I asked some questions here.

**** Updated project was broken without data sorry guys

Post's attachments

Attachment icon NewUpdate.zip 343.48 kb, 30 downloads since 2024-07-18 

Re: How to link this project database schema properly?

Update I found FAQ Sections A lot More Fun Info kindly check script FAQ lot of answers are there.

If you are new like me.

Look for oldest to newest script. You will find tons of answer.

Still did not find solution to get data in dropdown working on it.

Re: How to link this project database schema properly?

Is this Good Idea?

1) Copying combobox2 selected item to combobox4

outwardForm.ComboBox4.ItemIndex := outwardForm.ComboBox4.Items.IndexOf(outwardForm.ComboBox2.Items[outwardForm.ComboBox2.ItemIndex]);

Should I add anything extra

Re: How to link this project database schema properly?


The code you provide does not copy anything. It allows you to select an entry in Combo4 if such an entry exists in it.
Sorry, but reading your messages on the forum I cannot understand what you want to achieve. Derek has already offered you several different solutions or, in other words, directions of movement. It may be worth considering them in more detail, or perhaps you should rethink your requirements and try simpler solutions, at least for now. Start with simple problems and simple solutions, this will allow you to understand the mechanism for solving problems, become familiar with the script and begin diving into databases. As you already understood, there is a lot of information and examples on the forum. Even if the example, as you think, is not yours, it is worth considering it in more detail. There will always be something new or unusual in terms of possible solutions, even in the simplest examples.