1 (edited by jrga 2024-07-16 15:25:34)

Topic: Viewing sqlite view of an MVD project on mobile

Sharing: after searching the Play Store, I found the Filex application (freeware), which reads sqlite files (the best I found). I wanted to access a project's sqlite.db, run queries, and save them for future use. I came to the conclusion that it would be faster to create views in sqlite.db using, for example, Sqlite Expert Personal (freeware), than to create a query directly in Filex. Then, with the help of ChatGPT, I generated the views. Below is an example of a view script and a screen with the data displayed by the view, which is the same as what Filex shows on a cell phone. Just copy the sqlite.db to a folder on your phone. It's not the best of all worlds, but it's a simple way to have synthetic analytical information from an MVD project on your cell phone!

  [subquery] AS(
           STRFTIME ("%Y", [data]) AS [ano], 
           CASE WHEN [lancamento_all_view].[id_tipo_operacao] = 1 THEN "Receitas" ELSE "Despesas" END AS "Operacao", 
           CASE WHEN [id_tipo_operacao] = 1 THEN SUM ([entrada] - [saida]) ELSE SUM ([saida] - [entrada]) END AS [valor]
    FROM   [lancamento_all_view]
    WHERE  [lancamento_all_view].[id_categoria] <> 0
             AND [lancamento_all_view].[ocultar_mining] = 0
  [category_totals] AS(
           SUM ([valor]) AS [total_valor_categoria]
    FROM   [subquery]
    GROUP  BY [categoria]
  [cumulative_totals] AS(
           (SELECT SUM ([b].[valor])
           FROM   [subquery] [b]
           WHERE  [b].[categoria] = [a].[categoria]
                    AND [b].[ano] <= [a].[ano]) AS [acumulado]
    FROM   [subquery] [a]
  [total_receitas] AS(
           NULL AS [ano], 
           "Total Receitas" AS [Operacao], 
           NULL AS [categoria], 
           SUM ([valor]) AS [valor], 
           SUM ([valor]) AS [acumulado], 
           NULL AS [part%], 
           NULL AS [mini_grafico]
    FROM   [subquery]
    WHERE  [id_tipo_operacao] = 1
  [total_despesas] AS(
           NULL AS [ano], 
           "Total Despesas" AS [Operacao], 
           NULL AS [categoria], 
           SUM ([valor]) AS [valor], 
           SUM ([valor]) AS [acumulado], 
           NULL AS [part%], 
           NULL AS [mini_grafico]
    FROM   [subquery]
    WHERE  [id_tipo_operacao] = 2
  [main_query] AS(
           PRINTF ('%.2f', [subquery].[valor]) AS [valor], 
           PRINTF ('%.2f', [cumulative_totals].[acumulado]) AS [acumulado], 
           PRINTF ('%.2f', ([subquery].[valor] / [category_totals].[total_valor_categoria]) * 100) AS [part%], 
           SUBSTR ('██████████████████████████████████████████████████████', 1, ROUND (([subquery].[valor] / [category_totals].[total_valor_categoria]) * 50)) || " (" || [subquery].[id_categoria] || ")" AS [mini_grafico], 
    FROM   [subquery]
           JOIN [category_totals] ON [subquery].[categoria] = [category_totals].[categoria]
           JOIN [cumulative_totals] ON [subquery].[ano] = [cumulative_totals].[ano]
                AND [subquery].[categoria] = [cumulative_totals].[categoria]
                AND [subquery].[id_tipo_operacao] = [cumulative_totals].[id_tipo_operacao]
  [blank_lines] AS(
                    NULL AS [ano], 
                    NULL AS [Operacao], 
                    NULL AS [valor], 
                    NULL AS [acumulado], 
                    NULL AS [part%], 
                    NULL AS [mini_grafico], 
    FROM   [main_query]
               0 AS [sort_order]
        FROM   [main_query]
        UNION ALL
               '***********' AS [ano], 
               '***********' AS [Operacao], 
               '***********' AS [categoria], 
               '***********' AS [valor], 
               '***********' AS [acumulado], 
               '***********' AS [part%], 
               '***********' AS [mini_grafico], 
               1 AS [sort_order]
        FROM   [blank_lines])
Post's attachments

Attachment icon img_sql_view.jpg 208.48 kb, 10 downloads since 2024-07-16 

Roberto Alencar

2 (edited by jrga 2024-07-16 19:39:09)

Re: Viewing sqlite view of an MVD project on mobile

P.S.: After several attempts, I discovered that sqlite.db, which comes with MVD 5.6, does not accept the "OVER" command in the SQL statement. In fact, it prevents the MVD application from opening sqlite.db. It worked, after I told chatGPT to use another instruction that did not contain "OVER".

Roberto Alencar

Re: Viewing sqlite view of an MVD project on mobile

You might have to replace the sqlite.dll to get it updated to the most recent version. https://www.sqlite.org/2024/sqlite-dll- … 460000.zip

Re: Viewing sqlite view of an MVD project on mobile

What is the 'sqlite3.def' used for?


Re: Viewing sqlite view of an MVD project on mobile

Destiny wrote:

What is the 'sqlite3.def' used for?

In this case, it is not used in any way. Just ignore this file.

Re: Viewing sqlite view of an MVD project on mobile

You can delete the existing .def, it will be recreated using the new dll on your next project compilation.

Re: Viewing sqlite view of an MVD project on mobile

tcoton wrote:

You can delete the existing .def, it will be recreated using the new dll on your next project compilation.

I think you are confusing something about the "def" file? Maybe read it first?