Topic: CSV import doesn't work if first column is string
Hey guys! Here is a project I downloaded from the forum and I am adapting it to my needs. I have a tool called Visual Kit 5 v8, developed with Visual Foxpro which, although it is
old, has the advantage of building the entire application from just the "drawing" of the screens. The problem is that it uses MS's MSgraph.exe to generate graphs but, because it is old, this no longer works on Windows 11. Therefore, the objective is to use the attached project to generate graphs from data exported by Visual Kit to a CSV file. The MVD application (5.6) would load this data from the CSV file into a table and generate the graphs. The problem is that the import routine, which I also got here on the forum, works fine if the first column of the CSV is numeric. When the type is string, the process is interrupted by an error message.
I still plan to include printing and other customizations. In addition to using it with Visual KIt 5, I am thinking about the possibility of using it in applications whose development languages also depend on MSGraph.exe, to generate graphs. I appreciate any help that can be given.