Topic: Link to website


is it possible to have a field to put a web link? that after saved, users can click on it to go to the website?

Re: Link to website


Just type link in a TextBox starting with http://
text will be automatically link, double-click on the link, open it.


Re: Link to website

sould i put http:// in default value of the text box?

Re: Link to website

thank you, i already got it smile

just one more question please,

i want make a counter that every time i add a product it increments a value. I already did it with the counter but i don´t want increments like "1" 2"... i want that he increment like "MS-0001" "MS-0002".

is it possible? how?

Re: Link to website

I made an example for you:

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Re: Link to website

thank you very much for your help smile