Topic: Tablegrid Column Formatting


I have a calculated field that contains currency values that i need to display in a tablegrid column in a specific format.
     VALUE                          VALUE
   £324.35             not    324.35341
£4,356.67             not  4356.66845

Can you tell me the best way to
a) format the column with a '£' currency sign
b) format the column using a ',' as a thousands separator
c) format the column to 2 decimal places.


Re: Tablegrid Column Formatting

Yes, I too would like to understand how to format my input currency.

I tried using a format mask : #,##0.00  which did not work as I expected.

17.29 is showing as 0.017
and I would like , as thousand separator

Re: Tablegrid Column Formatting


I made an example for you.

Using the calculate field, you can to format in: £4356.67  from  4356.66845

Using a script, you can to format in: £4,356.67  from  4356.66845

Post's attachments

Attachment icon Format 5.42 kb, 620 downloads since 2015-02-23 


Re: Tablegrid Column Formatting

The current version is not supported to format in TextBox for currency.


Re: Tablegrid Column Formatting

DriveSoft wrote:

The current version is not supported to format in TextBox for currency.

Can this be added? I need to be able to input currency into my grid for updates/adds.

At least be able to add $17.29 or  $1,234.23 and have it show as expected.

Do you have another way to edit these values, if not through the textbox?

Thank you,

Re: Tablegrid Column Formatting

In the current version no easy way to do it.
I guess that the next version will fix it, I'll add new type of field "Currency" with a customizable format.


Re: Tablegrid Column Formatting

Hi Dmitry,
My tablegrids are now fully formatted exactly as I wanted.
1. Numeric columns (and footer totals) are right-hand justified
2. Footer totals display in a different colour
3. Numeric columns (and footer totals) have a ',' thousand separator
4. Currency columns (and footer totals) display a '£' sign and round to 2 decimal places
5. Numeric column headers are right-hand aligned
6. Conditional formatting (colour highlighting) is working on individual cells.
Thanks again for your advice and the quick responses.