Topic: Cannot make a visible window modal

Hi Dmitry,
I have a simple application (1 table, 2 fields) with a tablegrid and a form to show the record together on the same form.
I can successfully view all records in the tablegrid and add, edit and delete records but every time I do this, i get an error message "Cannot make a visible window modal".  However, I am able to click past the error message and then continue.
Is there some way of getting round this?
The effect that I was trying to achieve was to be able to see each form record as I scrolled down through the tablegrid.
I have attached the project so you can see the problem for yourself.
Also, is there a way of attaching scroll-bars to a memo field?

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2 (edited by rjkantor 2015-02-25 03:38:18)

Re: Cannot make a visible window modal

Derek -

I tried your db and I don't see any error.  I am running the 1.50beta version of MVD.

Check out this thread on  enabling scroll bars:


Re: Cannot make a visible window modal

Bug is fixed in the latest version, please download here:


Re: Cannot make a visible window modal

Hello Dmitry,
As you said, the problem is fixed when using the latest version of the software.
I have written a script to let the user use both mouse and arrow(up) and arrow(down) in the tablegrid and have the memo text display automatically instead of having to double-click.  But in adding this script, it has also fixed the original problem of not making a visible window modal in Version 1.45.  Very unexpected!
Thanks as always for your help.

Re: Cannot make a visible window modal

Hi Rob,
Thanks for your suggestion - yes, it was an outdated version i was using. 
And thanks for the pointer to the scroll bars script.  I had had a quick look around in case it had already been addressed but must have missed it (it was very late, in my defence!).