1 (edited by nitin.ingale08 2015-04-12 07:59:24)

Topic: text in form

i want to type on form just like some thing word file. i want to show some guideline about xyz task. when i click on batten it will guideline .

Re: text in form

You should use component Label for that: http://myvisualdatabase.com/help_en/components/label.png


Re: text in form

yes but for small text only, i want a long text such as guideline,it is not possible to put long text in caption table. it is too small.

Re: text in form

Please, download latest version here
http://myvisualdatabase.com/thank_you_f … ading.html


Post's attachments

Attachment icon Label.png 88.63 kb, 298 downloads since 2015-04-12 


Re: text in form

THANKS it works but still my work is not done.

i want just like caption dialogbox above , i want to wirte text which can be edit , delete, add, and it should have scrollbar side, bottom. i try with memo but it doent work

can you give me one example inwith i can add, edit, delete diffent guideline text and view it as requied.

this kind of text is required for my project.

Re: text in form

An example for you.

Post's attachments

Attachment icon Memo with scrollbars.zip 4.97 kb, 486 downloads since 2015-04-12 


Re: text in form

you are grate smile thankyou

Re: text in form


one more help please.

in grid table we have no of xyz data and for each one we have one memo.

i want to see respetive memo when i click on any xyz dada in grid table. at the same time beside memo should show respetive dada,  in one sheet.

i tryed with search but it has for grid table only to show data, not for memo. how itcan possible sir?  you can use same above file

Re: text in form

Hello Nightingale

Try this

procedure MyForm_TableGrid1_OnKeyUp (Sender: string; var Key: Word; Shift, Alt, Ctrl: boolean);
Var  Value : String;
     Value1 := SQLExecute('SELECT myfield from mytable WHERE id=' + IntToStr(MyTable.TableGrid1.dbItemID) );
     MyForm.Memo1.Text := Value1;


Re: text in form

An example for you:

Post's attachments

Attachment icon Employees TableGrid and memo.zip 5.55 kb, 450 downloads since 2015-04-12 
