Re: What to implement first?

Hello Drivesoft

About new ideas for MVD :

- A Treeview
- A StringGrid
- A StatusBar and A ProgressBar
- About Grid :
    . Center automaticaly title of columns (via Object Inspecteur : T/F)
    . Adjust automatically columns to content.
- Possibility to hear sound by hiding the reader (VLC, MediaPlayer and others).

For RODI and CAYLEA1 about navigation (F/P/N/L), I've seen that Drivesoft made a script about it. But I can't retrieve it from forum.
The princip was something like Form1.GridEmployees.SelectedRow := Form1.GridEmployees.SelectedRow +1 (Next) or
Form1.GridEmployees.SelectedRow := Form1.GridEmployees.SelectedRow -1 (Previous);

Yann Yvinec

Re: What to implement first?

Would it be possible to sign your software so we would not get security alert when trying to download myvisualdatabase. On some computer, it is blocked by antivirus.

Re: What to implement first?

Thank you, planned )


Re: What to implement first?

Hi Dmity,  I'd like to please request the addition of a simple text writing function that can append to the end of an existing file.  This would be very useful for logging and debugging.  At the moment, I have resorted to using a StringList and using the AddLine and SaveToFile methods of this class to output log text to a file - although it works, it is not very efficient as the whole StringList is Written each time I want to add a new line of text. Cheers.


Re: What to implement first?

mr_d wrote:

Hi Dmity,  I'd like to please request the addition of a simple text writing function that can append to the end of an existing file.  This would be very useful for logging and debugging.  At the moment, I have resorted to using a StringList and using the AddLine and SaveToFile methods of this class to output log text to a file - although it works, it is not very efficient as the whole StringList is Written each time I want to add a new line of text. Cheers.

Added, please download again version 1.48

procedure WriteLnToFile(const FileName: string; text: string)

31 (edited by mr_d 2015-01-22 09:27:45)

Re: What to implement first?

Wow.  That was quick! (And very much appreciated).
While we're on the subject, would it be possible to add the corresponding read line function(s)?
This will probably need to be a bit different and need more commands (i.e. one to open the file, another to read a line from it, and another to close the file when finished, and probably another to check for EOF).  No rush on this request - next version would be fine wink


Re: What to implement first?

Would it be possible to implement radio button beside checkbox.

I need to create radio buttons which would change a status of an item depending on which is chosen. I read a thread in the forum where it is possible by scripts, but to say... It is tricky to guess the exact location of the radio button when there is no grid nor cursor position displayed and I am not going to waste my working time with trials and errors, my employer would not appreciate smile I am not even talking about maintaining the application in the future...

Morevover, how to add actions to this buttons?

For example, I need 3 buttons, depending on which one is chosen, the status of my item will change and it can be only one choice at a time.

* - Defect
* - In preparation
* - Ready

It might be working like a combobox but radio button are more eye catching.

Re: What to implement first?

CheckBox is planned.
Unfortunately I can not add it at the moment, as long as I do not know how to implement it using the most logical and simple.


Re: What to implement first?

Is it possible to implement multilingual user interface support within MVDB with no modifiable ini file?

As I work for an international company I would like to give the choice to choose the user interface language. This means that depending on language choice, all  object labels would switch to the chose language.

Is it possible to do so inside the database/compiled program? I mean, I do not want users being able to modify anything regarding the translations, so, ini or txt files are banned. The best way would be to have a table "language" and assign translations ID to the object labels.

Re: What to implement first?

You can do it using a script, example for you:

Post's attachments

Attachment icon 6.04 kb, 1277 downloads since 2015-02-13 


Re: What to implement first?

Thanks Dmitry, I will try that as soon as possible

Re: What to implement first?

This is great, do you think it would be possible to use a table to store the languages and use a variable for the captions?

For example button save would have a variable caption $save$ and depending on the language chosen, the caption would change to this language using a value in a table. It could even be dynamic during the use of the application smile

Table translate

LangID               Caption               ItemID           
1                          Save                  2
1                          Cancel               3
2                          Speichern          2
2                          Abbrechen         3
3                          Enregistrer         2
3                          Annuler              3

Table Language

LangID                Description
1                          English
2                          German
3                          French

Re: What to implement first?

Hello Dmitry,

I'd love to see the TWebBrowser Class implemented in an upcoming version, that would be great !

Nice tool :-)


I'm a very good housekeeper !
Each time I get a divorce, I keep the house

Zaza Gabor

Re: What to implement first?

Thank you for your ideas )


Re: What to implement first?

Hello Dmitry

I have used  MVD for a few weeks now and would like to make the following suggestions for features in a future release.

1.  A currency field shows in a tablegrid column as right-justified automatically.  Can the column header.alignment also be right-justified automatically?
2.  A currency field's properties can be set in the Object Inspector to display, for example, as £27,500.00 but shows as 27500 in the tablegrid (cell) and as £27500.00 in the tablegrid (footer).  Can both tablegrid (cell) and tablegrid (footer) display the field contents exactly as defined in the field's properties so that it is consistent?
3.  Could a color picker be added to the tablegrid footer options so that footer summaries can be easily highlighted (ie, 'Formula', 'Text Before', 'Text After' and then 'Color Picker')?

4.  Add an 'uppercase' property to force upper case to ensure that data is entered consistently.
5.  Add a 'hint' property with an edit box so you can write help messages that will appear when hovering over the form / tablegrid / field with the mouse.
6.  Add a vertical scroll-bar property for text fields that are displayed as memos.

7.  Add a new BUTTON action that makes an 'open url' call to a website.

8.  A "LIST" field type (like Google Docs' List of Items where you create a small list of valid entries, separated by commas).
For example, in your MVD Students project, currently you have to:
a) create 5 separate 'dictionary' tables (sex, groupname, specname, status, prohod),
b) create 5 relationships with other tables
c) create 6 forms.
With a "LIST" field type, you would only need 5 "List" fields with list items of (Male,Female), (1st Attempt,2nd Attempt), (01,02), (Doctor,Lawyer) and (Normal,Fired,Graduate) - much more simple.
Perhaps there are programming reasons why you can't have an option like this but it would make creating a project much quicker and easier  to set up.

I understand that most of these things can be done by writing scripts (as I have done myself) but for ease of use, speed of development and for those Users who are not comfortable with scripts, perhaps some of these things could be included as part of the basic MVD program in the future.

Thanks for all your help so far.

Re: What to implement first?

Single sign-on would be very helpful to manage permissions within an application as most of current companies are using Active Directory and managing login/passwords is just a chore.

Re: What to implement first?

Would it be possible to add a TextHint property to TextBox objects so we would not need to script it?

Encrypt the Script.dcu as a binary so it would be more difficult to hack the script?

Re: What to implement first?

tcoton wrote:

Would it be possible to add a TextHint property to TextBox objects so we would not need to script it?


tcoton wrote:

Encrypt the Script.dcu as a binary so it would be more difficult to hack the script?



Re: What to implement first?

Is it somehow planned in the near future to get skins or themes to change the look and feel of the application we create? The current GUI looks terribly old school smile

Re: What to implement first?

May be yes, in the near future planned support MySQL database (client-server)


Re: What to implement first?

I still like the standalone version but there is place for improvement in the graphical user interface for final user smile

Re: What to implement first?

Hello Dmitry, tcoton

As says tcoton, GUI of MVD seems a little austere.
It does not really bother me, as MVD is effective.

Personally, I would give priority to :

- A TreeView (it really give a professional touch to MVD)
- A multilingual user interface.
- Ability to customize images illustrating the buttons
- and so one,...



Re: What to implement first?

I would like to see more properties on the objects to avoid scripting, this would help customers to be able to build better projects without knowing too much programming and free up some memory smile

Re: What to implement first?

This is definitely my most desired feature!  Currently I have my databases at several location of the same company but they don't talk to each other so if something that is on one gets transferred to another location it has to be entered again into their copy of the database.

when you add this I hope for small single user project we can still use the current sqlite database.

DriveSoft wrote:

May be yes, in the near future planned support MySQL database (client-server)

Re: What to implement first?

Would it be possible in next update to have a procedure inserted in the script form where the cursor stands (when double-clicking in object events) instead of always on the same position at the top? It would ease the organization of the script layout as I always have to scroll up and down and cut and paste...