Topic: near AS syntax error

When try to use CALCULATED field in database and link it to combo box  for something like full name i get  (near AS syntax error) is there solution ???

Re: near AS syntax error

Please, attach your project (zip file without exe and dll)
I'll try to help you.



Re: near AS syntax error

Dear friend

here is the project , but also tell us how to solve it , for future projects !!!

Post's attachments

Attachment icon SMC-.rar 2.71 kb, 443 downloads since 2015-04-24 

Re: near AS syntax error

Calculated field should be:

Contact.FirstName || ' ' || Contact.LastName

Re: near AS syntax error

are you sure ???you mean (Stuff.FirstName || ' ' || Stuff.LastName) because the name that i need for stuff  in the combo box not for  contact !!! check that again ... and the syntax was generated automatically not by  me ...